Sec. 8-302. Definitions.
Sec. 8-302. Definitions. The following terms shall have the following meanings
unless the context clearly indicates another meaning and intent:
(a) "Bonds", "notes" or "other obligations" means any bonds, notes or other evidences of indebtedness, respectively, issued by the municipality pursuant to this chapter,
and "bonds" or "notes" includes other obligations;
(b) "Capital reserve fund" means any capital reserve fund established by the municipality in accordance with section 8-307;
(c) "Housing" means any structure which is to be purchased or rehabilitated by a
low or moderate income family or person with the assistance provided for in this chapter.
Such structure shall contain no less than one and no more than six dwelling units, at
least one of which shall be occupied by the low or moderate income family or person
purchasing or rehabilitating the structure;
(d) "Housing finance assistance plan" means any plan for the provision of municipal
assistance to families or persons of low or moderate income which is adopted by the
legislative body of the municipality pursuant to section 8-304;
(e) "Legislative body" means the legislative body of a municipality as defined in
subsection (m) of section 1-1;
(f) "Lending institution" means any bank, trust company, savings bank, savings
and loan association or credit union, whether chartered by the United States of America
or this state, and any insurance company authorized to do business in this state, and any
mortgage banking firm approved by the municipality;
(g) "Low and moderate income families and persons" means families and persons
who lack the amount of income necessary, as determined by the municipality, to purchase or rehabilitate safe and adequate housing without financial assistance under this
chapter. The income limits for families and persons assisted under this chapter shall be
established by the municipality, provided such limits shall not be set at a level which
is (1) higher than one hundred twenty per cent of the current median family income for
a family of four in the Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area, as designated in the federal
census, within which the municipality is located or (2) with respect to distressed portions
of the municipality, higher than two hundred per cent of the current median family
income for a family of four in such Standard Metropolitan Statistical Area and provided
further, up to fifteen per cent of the total financial assistance under any housing finance
assistance plan may be provided notwithstanding subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsection upon a finding by the legislative body that a public purpose is served thereby in
encouraging the development of a balanced community of all income levels in the urban
areas of the municipality;
(h) "Mandatory capital reserve fund requirement" applies only to bonds secured by
a capital reserve fund and means, as of any particular date of computation, an amount
of money equal to the largest amount, for the then current or any future fiscal year
of the municipality, of annual debt service secured by a capital reserve fund of the
municipality, such annual debt service being the amount of money equal to the aggregate
of (1) all interest payable during such fiscal year on all such bonds of the municipality
outstanding on said date of computation, plus (2) the principal amount of all such bonds
of the municipality outstanding on said date of computation which mature during such
fiscal year, plus (3) the amount of all annual sinking fund payments payable during such
fiscal year with respect to any such bonds of the municipality outstanding on said date
of computation;
(i) "Mortgage" means a mortgage deed, deed of trust, or other instrument which
shall constitute a lien, whether first or second, on real estate or on a leasehold under a
lease having a remaining term, at the time such mortgage is acquired, which does not
expire for at least that number of years beyond the maturity date of the obligation secured
by such mortgage as is equal to the number of years remaining until the maturity date
of such obligation;
(j) "Mortgagee" means the original lender under the mortgage or participants
therein, and their successors and assigns;
(k) "Mortgage payments" means periodic payments called for by a mortgage, and
may include, but is not limited to, interest, installments of principal, taxes and assessments, mortgage insurance premiums and hazard insurance premiums;
(l) "Municipality" means any city, town, consolidated town and city or consolidated
town and borough in the state, and "the municipality" means each municipality which
shall by resolution make the findings and determinations required and exercise the powers granted under this chapter;
(m) "Person" means any individual;
(n) "Plan administrator" means the person appointed by the legislative body to carry
out the provisions of the housing finance assistance plan pursuant to section 8-304;
(o) "Rents", "rentals" or "carrying charges" means the charges, excluding any security deposits and down payments, paid for occupancy of housing financed or assisted
under this chapter, whether such housing is owned or operated on a landlord-tenant or
home ownership basis or as a condominium or a cooperative;
(p) "State" means the state of Connecticut.
(P.A. 79-596, S. 3, 17.)