§ 1961. Preparation of judicial reports.
The Committee on Publications of Opinions, appointed by the Chief Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court in accordance with a rule of that Court, shall report such opinions of the Supreme Court, the Chancery Court and the Superior Court, as in its judgment are deemed proper to be reported; and the Committee shall have such reported opinions, together with any court rules and proceedings as it may select, printed and published in bound volumes in such manner and under such terms as it shall determine. The Committee shall deposit such number of copies as are deemed needed for public use with the Secretary of State, to be distributed in accordance with law.
Code 1852, § 50; 19 Del. Laws, c. 843; 21 Del. Laws, c. 13; Code 1915, § 3702; 32 Del. Laws, c. 205, § 1; Code 1935, § 4255; 10 Del. C. 1953, § 1961; 55 Del. Laws, c. 384, § 6; 56 Del. Laws, c. 421, § 1.;
§ 1962. Distribution of judicial reports.
(a) The Secretary of State, upon the receipt of published legal reports, shall retain one copy in the Secretary of State's office; shall send one copy to each judge of each state, county or municipal court, and to each justice of the peace; and shall distribute copies to such agencies and public officials of this State as show a need for them.
The Secretary of State shall also transmit 1 copy to each of the following: The Library of Congress, University of Delaware Library, Delaware State University Library, the Delaware Historical Society, the Wilmington Institute Free Library, Legislative Council and to each public law library within this State, 2 copies each.
(b) The copies delivered to the judges and justices of the peace and state offices shall belong to their respective offices and shall be delivered to their successors in office.
10 Del. C. 1953, § 1962; 55 Del. Laws, c. 384, § 7; 56 Del. Laws, c. 421; 59 Del. Laws, c. 253, § 2; 69 Del. Laws, c. 67, § 2; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.;
§ 1963. Payment for publication of judicial reports.
Upon receipt by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget of the certificate of the Secretary of State that copies of a new volume of reports published by the Committee have been deposited in the office of the Secretary of State as required by law, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget shall draw a warrant upon the State Treasurer to pay for printing and other expenses incurred in connection with the publication of such new volume, in the amounts and in favor of the payees certified by the Chief Justice. The provisions of Chapter 69 of Title 29 shall not apply to the preparation and publication of the law reports authorized by this subchapter.
10 Del. C. 1953, § 1963; 56 Del. Laws, c. 421, § 1; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1; 75 Del. Laws, c. 88, § 21(5).;