§ 7701. Execution and sufficiency of corporate suretyship.
(a) Whenever any bond, undertaking, recognizance or other obligation is by law or the charter, ordinances, rules or regulations of any municipality, board, body, organization or public officer required or permitted to be made, given, tendered or filed with surety or sureties, and whenever the performance of any act, duty or obligation, or the refraining from any act, is required or permitted to be guaranteed, such bond, undertaking, obligation, recognizance or guarantee may be executed by an insurer duly authorized to transact surety insurance in this State under a certificate of authority issued by the Insurance Commissioner of this State.
(b) The execution by such insurer of such bond, undertaking, obligation, recognizance or guarantee shall be in all respects a full and complete compliance with every requirement of every law, charter, ordinance, rule or regulation that such bond, undertaking, obligation, recognizance or guarantee shall be executed by 1 surety or by 1 or more sureties, or that such sureties shall be residents or freeholders, either or both, or possess any other qualification, and shall be accordingly accepted and treated.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 7701; 56 Del. Laws, c. 460.;
§ 7702. Acceptance and approval by public officers.
(a) Any public officer or department of state, county or municipal government, whose duty it may be to approve the surety upon any bond or bonds, may accept and approve such bonds when executed by the principal therein and by any surety insurer qualified to act as surety or guarantor as provided in § 7701 of this title. The Levy Court and County Councils of the several counties of this State may accept such bonds as security for receivers of taxes and county treasurers in lieu of the security provided for by the laws of this State.
(b) Whenever any bond, undertaking, recognizance or guarantee has been duly executed in compliance with the terms of this chapter by the principal or principals therein, and by an insurer, duly authorized under the law of this State to transact the business of executing bonds of suretyship, then any officer, judge or any department of the state, or of any county or municipal government, whose duty it may be to approve of the surety upon the bond, undertaking, recognizance or guarantee may accept and approve such bond, undertaking, recognizance or guarantee.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 7702; 56 Del. Laws, c. 460.;
§ 7703. Agreement requiring principal to deposit assets; withdrawal.
Any party of whom a bond or undertaking is required may agree with sureties for the deposit for safe keeping of any and all moneys and other depositable assets for which such sureties are or may be held responsible with a trust company, safe deposit company or bank authorized by law to transact business as such in this State, if such deposit is otherwise proper, in such manner as to prevent the withdrawal of such moneys and assets or any part thereof, except with the written consent of such sureties, or an order of the court, made on such notice to them as such court may direct.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 7703; 56 Del. Laws, c. 460; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.;
§ 7704. Release of liability on bond; procedure.
The surety or representatives of any surety, upon the bond of any trustees, committee, guardian, assignees, receiver, executor or administrator or other fiduciary, may apply by petition to the court wherein the bond is filed or which may have jurisdiction of such trustee, committee, guardian, assignee, receiver, executor or administrator or other fiduciary or to a judge of the court, praying to be relieved from further liability as such surety for the acts or omissions of the trustee, committee, guardian, assignee, receiver, executor or administrator or other fiduciary, which may occur after the date of the order relieving such surety, to be granted as herein provided for; and to require such trustee, committee, guardian, receiver, assignee, executor or administrator or other fiduciary to show cause why he/she should not account, and such surety to be relieved from any such further liability as aforesaid, and such principal be required to give a new bond. Thereupon, upon the filing of such petition, the court or judge thereof shall issue such order, returnable at such time and place and to be served in such manner, as such court or judge may direct, and may restrain such trustee, committee, guardian, assignee, receiver, executor or administrator or other fiduciary from acting except in such manner as it may direct to preserve the trust estate, and, upon the return of such order to show cause, if the principal in the bond account in due form of law and file a new bond duly approved, then such court or judge shall make an order releasing such surety filing the petition from liability upon the bond for any subsequent act or default of the principal; and in default of such principal thus accounting and filing such bond, such court or judge shall make an order directing such trustee, committee, guardian, assignee, receiver, executor or administrator, or other fiduciary to account in due form of law, and, if the trust fund or estate shall be satisfactorily accounted for and delivered or properly secured, such surety shall be discharged from any and all further liability as such for the subsequent acts or omissions of the trustee, guardian, committee, assignee, receiver, executor or administrator or other fiduciary after the day of such surety being so relieved and discharged.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 7704; 56 Del. Laws, c. 460; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.;
§ 7705. Estoppel of surety insurer to deny corporate power.
No insurer having signed any bond, undertaking or obligation as surety, guarantor or indemnitor shall be permitted to deny its corporate power to execute such instrument or incur such liability, in any proceeding to enforce liability against it thereunder.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 7705; 56 Del. Laws, c. 460.;
§ 7706. Premium on bond of public officer; expense of office.
The expenses incurred by any public officer for suretyship upon any bond required by law of him/her, as well as the expenses for suretyship upon any bond required of any of his/her assistants or clerks, shall, where the bond or bonds are required for the protection of the State, be paid for by the State, and where the bond or bonds are required for the protection of any of the several counties, be paid for by the Levy Court or County Council of the county, and where the bond or bonds are required for the protection of a municipality, be paid for by the municipality, and shall be charged to and considered a part of the expenses of the office held by the official. The cost of the bond shall not exceed the sum or sums determined by any applicable rate filed by the surety with the Insurance Commissioner.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 7706; 56 Del. Laws, c. 460; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.;
§ 7707. Premium on bond of fiduciary; expense of estate.
Any receiver, guardian, assignee, committee, trustee, executor, administrator or other fiduciary required by law or the order of any court to give a bond, undertaking or other obligation as such, who shall avail himself/herself of corporate suretyship in such bond, undertaking or obligation as authorized by the laws of this State, may present to the proper court or officer before whom he/she is required to account a statement and receipt showing the amount of charges paid for such corporate suretyship; and thereupon the court or other officer, before whom such accounting is rendered, may either order and direct such sum, either in whole or in part, to be a charge upon the estate and charged accordingly; or it may direct that no part thereof shall be a charge upon the estate. No charge for such suretyship shall in any case be allowed in excess of the sum or sums determined by any applicable rate filed by the surety with the Insurance Commissioner.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 7707; 56 Del. Laws, c. 460; 70 Del. Laws, c. 186, § 1.;
§ 7708. Warrant of attorney.
In all instances where corporate suretyship is offered in accordance with this chapter, and where the form of bond required by law contains a warrant of attorney, the bond shall be accepted without such warrant of attorney being written therein.
18 Del. C. 1953, § 7708; 56 Del. Laws, c. 460.;