§ 3151. Establishment and purpose; acceptance of Wagner-Peyser Act.
The Delaware State Employment Service is continued under the jurisdiction and as a part of the Department of Labor. The Department, in the conduct of such Service, shall establish and maintain free public employment offices in such number and in such places as are necessary for the proper administration of this part and for the purposes of performing such functions as are within the purview of the act of Congress entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment of a national employment system and for cooperation with the states in the promotion of such system and for other purposes," approved June 6, 1933, 48 Stat. 113, hereinafter referred to as the "Wagner-Peyser Act" [29 U.S.C. § 49 et seq.]. The provisions of such act of Congress are accepted by this State, and the Department of Labor is designated and constituted the agency of this State for the purposes of such act.
41 Del. Laws, c. 258, § 12; 45 Del. Laws, c. 267, § 11; 19 Del. C. 1953, § 3151; 53 Del. Laws, c. 232, § 1; 57 Del. Laws, c. 669, § 4G.;
§ 3152. Administration of funds received under Wagner-Peyser Act; power of Department to enter into agreements and to accept contributions or reimbursement.
All moneys received by this State under the Wagner-Peyser Act [29 U.S.C. § 49 et seq.] shall be paid into the Unemployment Compensation Administration Fund and shall be expended solely for the maintenance of the state system of public employment offices. For the purposes of establishing and maintaining free public employment offices and promoting the use of their facilities, the Department may enter into agreements with the Railroad Retirement Board or any other agency of the United States, or of this or any other state charged with the administration of any law whose purposes are reasonably related to the purposes of this part, and as a part of such agreements may accept moneys, services or quarters as a contribution to the maintenance of the state system of public employment offices or as reimbursement for services performed. All moneys received for such purposes shall be paid into the Unemployment Compensation Administration Fund.
41 Del. Laws, c. 258, § 12; 45 Del. Laws, c. 267, § 11; 19 Del. C. 1953, § 3152; 53 Del. Laws, c. 79, § 1; 57 Del. Laws, c. 669, § 4G; 63 Del. Laws, c. 427, § 1.;
§ 3153. General functions and purposes.
The Department, in conducting the employment service, shall promote and develop an employment office or system of employment offices, in order:
(1) That employers seeking workers and the unemployed without cost to either may be referred to each other;
(2) To provide adequate quarters and facilities for the registration of employees and for the receipt of orders from employers;
(3) To provide prior opportunity of employment to citizens of Delaware and of the United States, except when such are unavailable and not qualified;
(4) To cooperate in the administration of unemployment insurance laws;
(5) To provide complete responsible records of all applicants;
(6) To reduce the wageless period between jobs and the resulting drain on savings, credit and social agencies;
(7) To develop and operate a technique by which workers in obsolete or similar occupations may be economically absorbed in a gainful occupation;
(8) To provide facilities by which those in need of rehabilitation or readjustment may be absorbed in private industry with mutual advantage;
(9) To provide information to juniors and those responsible for their training and influence in choosing the proper occupations;
(10) To reduce the cost to industry of procurement, sifting out and turnover;
(11) To provide existing facilities for government and industry in a period of national emergency;
(12) To provide for the clearance of labor to work opportunities between Delaware and the other states; and
(13) To cooperate in the dissemination of employment information and trends and with other public bodies to the end that governmental administration and legislation will have additional, necessary and accurate facts for their guidance.
36 Del. Laws, c. 108, § 1; 40 Del. Laws, c. 109, § 5; Code 1935, § 2616; 19 Del. C. 1953, § 3153; 57 Del. Laws, c. 669, § 4G; 58 Del. Laws, c. 522, § 2.;
§ 3154. Cooperation with local authorities.
The Department shall cooperate with the counties, cities and towns of the State and shall require such local cooperation as it deems necessary to carry out this subchapter. Any local funds granted for the cooperative maintenance of a local office shall be deposited in the State Treasury and may be withdrawn only by warrants of the Department and only for that purpose.
36 Del. Laws, c. 108, § 1; 40 Del. Laws, c. 109, § 9; Code 1935, § 2618; 19 Del. C. 1953, § 3154; 57 Del. Laws, c. 669, § 4G.;
§ 3155. [Reserved.]