§ 420. General authority.
(a) If any jurisdiction permits or requires the licensing of fleets of vehicles in interstate or combined interstate and intrastate commerce and the payment of registration, license or other fixed fees on an apportionment basis commensurate with and determined by the miles traveled on highways in that jurisdiction, as compared with the miles traveled on highways in other jurisdictions, or on any other equitable basis of apportionment, and if that jurisdiction exempts vehicles registered in other jurisdictions under that apportionment basis from the requirements of full payment of its own registration, license or other fixed fees, the Secretary of the Department of Transportation by agreement may adopt the exemption as to vehicles of those fleets, whether owned by residents or nonresidents of this State and regardless of where the vehicles are based.
(b) Under the terms, conditions or restrictions that the Secretary of the Department of Transportation consider proper, these agreements may provide:
(1) That owners of vehicles operated in interstate or combined interstate and intrastate commerce in this State may pay registration, license, or other fixed fees on an apportionment basis commensurate with and determined by the miles traveled on highways in this State, as compared with the miles traveled on highways in other jurisdictions or on any other equitable basis of apportionment; or
(2)(i) For issuance of trip permit registration; and
(ii) For collection of a fee for any vehicle or combination of vehicles which may be lawfully operated in the jurisdiction if full registration or proportional registration were obtained.
(c) The registration of fleet vehicles under this section is subject to the rights, terms and conditions granted by or contained in any applicable agreement, arrangement or declaration made by the Secretary of the Department of Transportation.
(d) If the departments enter into any agreement under the authority of this section, and the provisions set forth in the agreement are in conflict with any other rules or regulations by the departments, the agreement's provisions shall prevail notwithstanding.
68 Del. Laws, c. 156, § 52; 74 Del. Laws, c. 110, §§ 36-38.;
§ 421. Base state registration.
An agreement, arrangement or declaration made under this subchapter may authorize the registration or licensing in another jurisdiction of vehicles that are located in or operated from a base in that jurisdiction and that otherwise would be required to be registered or licensed in this State. In this event, the benefits, privileges and exemptions extended by the agreement, arrangement or declaration shall apply to those vehicles, if licensed or registered in the base jurisdiction.
68 Del. Laws, c. 156, § 52.;