Chapter 1 - General Provisions (Section 10-101 to Section 10-167)
- Section 10-101 - Authority to acquire fee title to land subject to limited rights reserved to grantor and to acquire limited permanent rights in land adjoining park property
- Section 10-102 - Establishing and making clear title of United States to lands or waters of Potomac River, Anacostia River, Eastern Branch, and Rock Creek
- Section 10-103 - Lease of lands acquired for park, parkway, or playground; term; renewal
- Section 10-104 - Control of park system; composition thereof
- Section 10-105 - Power to make and enforce vehicle and traffic regulations
- Section 10-106 - Jurisdiction and control of street parking
- Section 10-107 - Small parks at intersections of streets outside original city limits
- Section 10-108 - Meridian Hill Park
- Section 10-109 - Montrose Park
- Section 10-110 - Portion of Water Street authorized to be part of park system
- Section 10-111 - Transfer of jurisdiction over property between United States and District of Columbia-Authorization
- Section 10-112 - Transfer of jurisdiction over property between United States and District of Columbia-Existing laws unaffected
- Section 10-113 - Whitehaven Parkway-Adjustment of boundaries at Huidekoper Place
- Section 10-114 - Whitehaven Parkway-Exchange of federal property
- Section 10-115 - Whitehaven Parkway-Exchange authorized with property owners
- Section 10-116 - Whitehaven Parkway-Plats to be prepared
- Section 10-117 - Beach Parkway-Exchange of property to extend authorized
- Section 10-118 - Beach Parkway-Dedication and conveyances of exchanged land
- Section 10-119 - Beach Parkway-Power of Secretary of Interior to sell not curtailed
- Section 10-120 - Squares 612 and 613 made part of park system
- Section 10-121 - Fort Davis and Fort Dupont Parks
- Section 10-122 - Jurisdiction over reservation 185
- Section 10-123 - Use of spaces or reservations for widening roadways
- Section 10-124 - Use of public grounds for playgrounds
- Section 10-125 - Licenses for temporary structures on reservations used as playgrounds
- Section 10-126 - Part of Washington Aqueduct may be transferred for playground purposes
- Section 10-127 - Authority to make rules and regulations for playgrounds and recreation centers
- Section 10-128 - When authorization by Congress needed for building
- Section 10-129 - Letters of transfer and acceptance deemed authority for change in maps and for record
- Section 10-130 - Transfer of jurisdiction-Reservation 32
- Section 10-131 - Transfer of jurisdiction-Reservation 290
- Section 10-132 - Transfer of jurisdiction-Reservation 8
- Section 10-133 - Public convenience stations-Establishment; location; control
- Section 10-134 - Public convenience stations-Authority to make rules, regulations, and charges
- Section 10-135 - Part of reservation 13 transferred for use as indigent burial ground
- Section 10-136 - Site of former Georgetown Reservoir
- Section 10-137 - Authority to make rules and regulations for care of public grounds-Generally
- Section 10-137.01 - Authority of the Director of the Department of Recreation and Parks to regulate District parks
- Section 10-138 - Authority to make rules and regulations for care of public grounds-Extension of sidewalks and carriageways
- Section 10-139 - Public spaces resulting from filling of canals part of park system; exceptions
- Section 10-140 - Rock Creek Park-Establishment
- Section 10-141 - Rock Creek Park-Area
- Section 10-142 - Rock Creek Park-Control; duties of Director; regulations
- Section 10-143 - Rock Creek Park-Leasing authorized; disposition of proceeds
- Section 10-144 - Rock Creek Park-Acceptance of dedicated property authorized
- Section 10-145 - Rock Creek Park-Protection of Rock Creek and its tributaries
- Section 10-146 - Piney Branch Parkway
- Section 10-147 - Potomac Park-Establishment
- Section 10-148 - Potomac Park-Control
- Section 10-149 - Potomac Park-Restriction on construction of lagoon, etc., or speedway
- Section 10-150 - Potomac Park-Temporary occupancy by Department of Agriculture
- Section 10-151 - Potomac Park-Licenses for boathouses on banks of tidal reservoir
- Section 10-152 - Parkway connecting Potomac Park with Zoological and Rock Creek Parks-Acquisition of land authorized; reimbursement of costs
- Section 10-153 - Parkway connecting Potomac Park with Zoological and Rock Creek Parks-Taking lines authorized to be extended
- Section 10-154 - Connecting parkway to be part of park system
- Section 10-155 - Anacostia Park
- Section 10-156 - Glover Parkway and Children's Playground-Acceptance of land authorized
- Section 10-157 - Glover Parkway and Children's Playground-Part of park system
- Section 10-158 - Theodore Roosevelt Island-Maintenance, administration and development
- Section 10-159 - Theodore Roosevelt Island-Means of access; appropriations
- Section 10-160 - Theodore Roosevelt Island-Structures authorized; appropriations
- Section 10-161 - Theodore Roosevelt Island-Designation
- Section 10-162 - Public bathing beach authorized
- Section 10-163 - Bathing pools and beaches-Construction authorized; appropriations
- Section 10-164 - Bathing pools and beaches-Possession, control, and maintenance; fees
- Section 10-165 - Bathing pools and beaches-Operation; disposition of moneys received
- Section 10-166 - Division of Park Services
- Section 10-167 - Crispus Attucks Park indemnification. [Not funded]
District of Columbia Law
District of Columbia Court Map