As used in this part:
(1) The term “Capitol Buildings” means the United States Capitol, the Senate and House Office Buildings and garages, the Capitol Power Plant, all subways and enclosed passages connecting 2 or more of such structures, and the real property underlying and enclosed by any such structure.
(2) The term “firearm” shall have the same meaning as when used in § 901(3) of Title 15, United States Code.
(3) The term “dangerous weapon” includes all articles enumerated in § 22-4514(a) and also any device designed to expel or hurl a projectile capable of causing injury to persons or property, daggers, dirks, stilettoes, and knives having blades over 3 inches in length.
(4) The term “explosive” shall have the same meaning as when used in § 121(1) of Title 50, United States Code.
(5) The term “act of physical violence” means any act involving:
(A) An assault or any other infliction or threat of infliction of death or bodily harm upon any individual; or
(B) Damage to or destruction of any real property or personal property.
(July 31, 1946, 60 Stat. 721, ch. 707, § 16(a); Oct. 20, 1967, 81 Stat. 277, Pub. L. 90-108, § 1(d).)
Prior Codifications
1981 Ed., § 9-128.
1973 Ed., § 9-132.
References in Text
Section 901(3) of Title 15, United States Code, referred to in paragraph (2) of this section, was repealed by the Act of June 19, 1968, 82 Stat. 234, Pub. L. 90-351, § 906.
Section 121(1) of Title 50, United States Code, referred to in paragraph (4) of this section, was repealed by the Act of October 15, 1970, 84 Stat. 960, Pub. L. 91-452, § 1106(a).