A nuncupative will made after January 1, 1902, is not valid in the District of Columbia except that a person in actual military or naval service or a mariner at sea may dispose of his personal property by word of mouth, if:
(1) his oral disposition of the property is proved by at least two witnesses who were present at the making thereof and were requested by the testator to bear witness that the disposition was his last will; and
(2) the will is made during the time of the last illness of the deceased; and
(3) the substance of the will is reduced to writing within 10 days after it was made.
(Sept. 14, 1965, 79 Stat. 686, Pub. L. 89-183, § 1.)
Prior Codifications
1981 Ed., § 18-107.
1973 Ed., § 18-107.