Beginning in fiscal year 2009 and each fiscal year thereafter, the amount appropriated to the District of Columbia may be increased by no more than $100,000,000 from funds identified in the annual comprehensive annual financial report as the District's immediately preceding fiscal year's unexpended general fund surplus. The District may obligate and expend these amounts only in accordance with the following conditions:
(1) The Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia shall certify that the use of any such amounts is not anticipated to have a negative impact on the District's long-term financial, fiscal, and economic vitality.
(2) The District of Columbia may only use these funds for the following expenditures:
(A) One-time expenditures.
(B) Expenditures to avoid deficit spending.
(C) Debt Reduction.
(D) Program needs.
(E) Expenditures to avoid revenue shortfalls.
(3) The amounts shall be obligated and expended in accordance with laws enacted by the Council in support of each such obligation or expenditure.
(4) The amounts may not be used to fund the agencies of the District of Columbia government under court ordered receivership.
(5) The amounts may not be obligated or expended unless the Mayor notifies the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate not fewer than 30 days in advance of the obligation or expenditure.
(Mar. 11, 2009, 123 Stat. 698, Pub. L. 111-8, ยง 816.)