(a) Beginning in fiscal year 2009 and each fiscal year thereafter, consistent with revenue collections, the amount appropriated as District of Columbia Funds may be increased--
(1) by an aggregate amount of not more than 25 percent, in the case of amounts proposed to be allocated as “Other-Type Funds” in the annual Proposed Budget and Financial Plan submitted to Congress by the District of Columbia; and
(2) by an aggregate amount of not more than 6 percent, in the case of any other amounts proposed to be allocated in such Proposed Budget and Financial Plan.
(b) The District of Columbia may obligate and expend any increase in the amount of funds authorized under this section only in accordance with the following conditions:
(1) The Chief Financial Officer of the District of Columbia shall certify--
(A) the increase in revenue; and
(B) that the use of the amounts is not anticipated to have a negative impact on the long-term financial, fiscal, or economic health of the District.
(2) The amounts shall be obligated and expended in accordance with laws enacted by the Council of the District of Columbia in support of each such obligation and expenditure, consistent with the requirements of [this subchapter].
(3) The amounts may not be used to fund any agencies of the District government operating under court-ordered receivership.
(4) The amounts may not be obligated or expended unless the Mayor has notified the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate not fewer than 30 days in advance of the obligation or expenditure.
(Mar. 11, 2009, 123 Stat. 699, Pub. L. 111-8, § 817.)
Temporary Addition of Section
Section 2 of D.C. Law 19-14 added a section to read as follows:
“Sec. 2. Pursuant to section 817 of the Omnibus Appropriations Act, 2009, approved March 11, 2009 (123 Stat. 699; D.C. Official Code § 47-369.02), the Council authorizes an increase in the amount of $16,160,000 in dedicated tax appropriations for the Housing Production Trust Fund, established by section 3 of the Housing Production Trust Fund Act of 1988, effective March 11, 1989 (D.C. Law 7-202; D.C. Official Code § 42-2801) (“Act”), managed by the Department of Housing and Community Development, based upon a certified increase in dedicated tax revenues, to be allocated as designated in the Act.”
Section 5(b) of D.C. Law 19-14 provides that the act shall expire after 225 days of its having taken effect.
Emergency Act Amendments
For temporary (90 day) addition of section, see § 2 of Housing Production Trust Fund Dedicated Tax Appropriations Authorization Emergency Act of 2011 (D.C. Act 19-66, May 13, 2011, 58 DCR 4250).