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1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.

1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.

If the annual allocation from the Florida Education Finance Program to each district for operation of schools is not determined in the annual appropriations act or the substantive bill implementing the annual appropriations act, it shall be determined as follows:

   (1) COMPUTATION OF THE BASIC AMOUNT TO BE INCLUDED FOR OPERATION. The following procedure shall be followed in determining the annual allocation to each district for operation:

   (a) Determination of full-time equivalent membership. During each of several school weeks, including scheduled intersessions of a year-round school program during the fiscal year, a program membership survey of each school shall be made by each district by aggregating the full-time equivalent student membership of each program by school and by district. The department shall establish the number and interval of membership calculations, except that for basic and special programs such calculations shall not exceed nine for any fiscal year. The district’s full-time equivalent membership shall be computed and currently maintained in accordance with regulations of the commissioner.

   (b) Determination of base student allocation. The base student allocation for the Florida Education Finance Program for kindergarten through grade 12 shall be determined annually by the Legislature and shall be that amount prescribed in the current year’s General Appropriations Act.

   (c) Determination of programs. Cost factors based on desired relative cost differences between the following programs shall be established in the annual General Appropriations Act. The Commissioner of Education shall specify a matrix of services and intensity levels to be used by districts in the determination of the two weighted cost factors for exceptional students with the highest levels of need. For these students, the funding support level shall fund the exceptional students’ education program, with the exception of extended school year services for students with disabilities.

   1. Basic programs.

   a. Kindergarten and grades 1, 2, and 3.

   b. Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8.

   c. Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.

   2. Programs for exceptional students.

   a. Support Level IV.

   b. Support Level V.

   3. Secondary career education programs.

   4. English for Speakers of Other Languages.

   (d) Annual allocation calculation.

   1. The Department of Education is authorized and directed to review all district programs and enrollment projections and calculate a maximum total weighted full-time equivalent student enrollment for each district for the K-12 FEFP.

   2. Maximum enrollments calculated by the department shall be derived from enrollment estimates used by the Legislature to calculate the FEFP. If two or more districts enter into an agreement under the provisions of s. 1001.42(4)(d), after the final enrollment estimate is agreed upon, the amount of FTE specified in the agreement, not to exceed the estimate for the specific program as identified in paragraph (c), may be transferred from the participating districts to the district providing the program.

   3. As part of its calculation of each district’s maximum total weighted full-time equivalent student enrollment, the department shall establish separate enrollment ceilings for each of two program groups. Group 1 shall be composed of basic programs for grades K-3, grades 4-8, and grades 9-12. Group 2 shall be composed of students in exceptional student education programs support levels IV and V, English for Speakers of Other Languages programs, and all career programs in grades 9-12.

   a. For any calculation of the FEFP, the enrollment ceiling for group 1 shall be calculated by multiplying the actual enrollment for each program in the program group by its appropriate program weight.

   b. The weighted enrollment ceiling for group 2 programs shall be calculated by multiplying the enrollment for each program by the appropriate program weight as provided in the General Appropriations Act. The weighted enrollment ceiling for program group 2 shall be the sum of the weighted enrollment ceilings for each program in the program group, plus the increase in weighted full-time equivalent student membership from the prior year for clients of the Department of Children and Family Services and the Department of Juvenile Justice.

   c. If, for any calculation of the FEFP, the weighted enrollment for program group 2, derived by multiplying actual enrollments by appropriate program weights, exceeds the enrollment ceiling for that group, the following procedure shall be followed to reduce the weighted enrollment for that group to equal the enrollment ceiling:

   (I) The weighted enrollment ceiling for each program in the program group shall be subtracted from the weighted enrollment for that program derived from actual enrollments.

   (II) If the difference calculated under sub-sub-subparagraph (I) is greater than zero for any program, a reduction proportion shall be computed for the program by dividing the absolute value of the difference by the total amount by which the weighted enrollment for the program group exceeds the weighted enrollment ceiling for the program group.

   (III) The reduction proportion calculated under sub-sub-subparagraph (II) shall be multiplied by the total amount of the program group’s enrollment over the ceiling as calculated under sub-sub-subparagraph (I).

   (IV) The prorated reduction amount calculated under sub-sub-subparagraph (III) shall be subtracted from the program’s weighted enrollment to produce a revised program weighted enrollment.

   (V) The prorated reduction amount calculated under sub-sub-subparagraph (III) shall be divided by the appropriate program weight, and the result shall be added to the revised program weighted enrollment computed in sub-sub-subparagraph (IV).

   (e) Funding model for exceptional student education programs.

   1.a. The funding model uses basic, at-risk, support levels IV and V for exceptional students and career Florida Education Finance Program cost factors, and a guaranteed allocation for exceptional student education programs. Exceptional education cost factors are determined by using a matrix of services to document the services that each exceptional student will receive. The nature and intensity of the services indicated on the matrix shall be consistent with the services described in each exceptional student’s individual educational plan.

   b. In order to generate funds using one of the two weighted cost factors, a matrix of services must be completed at the time of the student’s initial placement into an exceptional student education program and at least once every 3 years by personnel who have received approved training. Nothing listed in the matrix shall be construed as limiting the services a school district must provide in order to ensure that exceptional students are provided a free, appropriate public education.

   c. Students identified as exceptional, in accordance with chapter 6A-6, Florida Administrative Code, who do not have a matrix of services as specified in sub-subparagraph b. shall generate funds on the basis of full-time-equivalent student membership in the Florida Education Finance Program at the same funding level per student as provided for basic students. Additional funds for these exceptional students will be provided through the guaranteed allocation designated in subparagraph 2.

   2. For students identified as exceptional who do not have a matrix of services and students who are gifted in grades K through 8, there is created a guaranteed allocation to provide these students with a free appropriate public education, in accordance with s. 1001.42(4)(m) and rules of the State Board of Education, which shall be allocated annually to each school district in the amount provided in the General Appropriations Act. These funds shall be in addition to the funds appropriated on the basis of FTE student membership in the Florida Education Finance Program, and the amount allocated for each school district shall not be recalculated during the year. These funds shall be used to provide special education and related services for exceptional students and students who are gifted in grades K through 8. Beginning with the 2007-2008 fiscal year, a district’s expenditure of funds from the guaranteed allocation for students in grades 9 through 12 who are gifted may not be greater than the amount expended during the 2006-2007 fiscal year for gifted students in grades 9 through 12.

   (f) Supplemental academic instruction; categorical fund.

   1. There is created a categorical fund to provide supplemental academic instruction to students in kindergarten through grade 12. This paragraph may be cited as the “Supplemental Academic Instruction Categorical Fund.”

   2. Categorical funds for supplemental academic instruction shall be allocated annually to each school district in the amount provided in the General Appropriations Act. These funds shall be in addition to the funds appropriated on the basis of FTE student membership in the Florida Education Finance Program and shall be included in the total potential funds of each district. These funds shall be used to provide supplemental academic instruction to students enrolled in the K-12 program. Supplemental instruction strategies may include, but are not limited to: modified curriculum, reading instruction, after-school instruction, tutoring, mentoring, class size reduction, extended school year, intensive skills development in summer school, and other methods for improving student achievement. Supplemental instruction may be provided to a student in any manner and at any time during or beyond the regular 180-day term identified by the school as being the most effective and efficient way to best help that student progress from grade to grade and to graduate.

   3. Effective with the 1999-2000 fiscal year, funding on the basis of FTE membership beyond the 180-day regular term shall be provided in the FEFP only for students enrolled in juvenile justice education programs or in education programs for juveniles placed in secure facilities or programs under s. 985.19. Funding for instruction beyond the regular 180-day school year for all other K-12 students shall be provided through the supplemental academic instruction categorical fund and other state, federal, and local fund sources with ample flexibility for schools to provide supplemental instruction to assist students in progressing from grade to grade and graduating.

   4. The Florida State University School, as a lab school, is authorized to expend from its FEFP or Lottery Enhancement Trust Fund allocation the cost to the student of remediation in reading, writing, or mathematics for any graduate who requires remediation at a postsecondary educational institution.

   5. Beginning in the 1999-2000 school year, dropout prevention programs as defined in ss. 1003.52, 1003.53(1)(a), (b), and (c), and 1003.54 shall be included in group 1 programs under subparagraph (d)3.

   (g) Education for speakers of other languages. A school district shall be eligible to report full-time equivalent student membership in the ESOL program in the Florida Education Finance Program provided the following conditions are met:

   1. The school district has a plan approved by the Department of Education.

   2. The eligible student is identified and assessed as limited English proficient based on assessment criteria.

   3.a. An eligible student may be reported for funding in the ESOL program for a base period of 3 years. However, a student whose English competency does not meet the criteria for proficiency after 3 years in the ESOL program may be reported for a fourth, fifth, and sixth year of funding, provided his or her limited English proficiency is assessed and properly documented prior to his or her enrollment in each additional year beyond the 3-year base period.

   b. If a student exits the program and is later reclassified as limited English proficient, the student may be reported in the ESOL program for funding for an additional year, or extended annually for a period not to exceed a total of 6 years pursuant to this paragraph, based on an annual evaluation of the student’s status.

   4. An eligible student may be reported for funding in the ESOL program for membership in ESOL instruction in English and ESOL instruction or home language instruction in the basic subject areas of mathematics, science, social studies, and computer literacy.

   (h) Small, isolated high schools. Districts which levy the maximum nonvoted discretionary millage, exclusive of millage for capital outlay purposes levied pursuant to s. 1011.71(2), may calculate full-time equivalent students for small, isolated high schools by multiplying the number of unweighted full-time equivalent students times 2.75; provided the school has attained a grade of “C” or better, pursuant to s. 1008.34, for the previous school year. For the purpose of this section, the term “small, isolated high school” means any high school which is located no less than 28 miles by the shortest route from another high school; which has been serving students primarily in basic studies provided by sub-subparagraphs (c)1.b. and c. and may include subparagraph (c)4.; and which has a membership of no more than 100 students, but no fewer than 28 students, in grades 9 through 12.

   (i) Calculation of full-time equivalent membership with respect to dual enrollment instruction. Students enrolled in dual enrollment instruction pursuant to s. 1007.271 may be included in calculations of full-time equivalent student memberships for basic programs for grades 9 through 12 by a district school board. Instructional time for dual enrollment may vary from 900 hours; however, the school district may only report the student for a maximum of 1.0 full-time equivalent student membership, as provided in s. 1011.61(4). Dual enrollment full-time equivalent student membership shall be calculated in an amount equal to the hours of instruction that would be necessary to earn the full-time equivalent student membership for an equivalent course if it were taught in the school district. Students in dual enrollment courses may also be calculated as the proportional shares of full-time equivalent enrollments they generate for a 1community college or university conducting the dual enrollment instruction. Early admission students shall be considered dual enrollments for funding purposes. Students may be enrolled in dual enrollment instruction provided by an eligible independent college or university and may be included in calculations of full-time equivalent student memberships for basic programs for grades 9 through 12 by a district school board. However, those provisions of law which exempt dual enrolled and early admission students from payment of instructional materials and tuition and fees, including laboratory fees, shall not apply to students who select the option of enrolling in an eligible independent institution. An independent college or university which is located and chartered in Florida, is not for profit, is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools or the Accrediting Council for Independent Colleges and Schools, and confers degrees as defined in s. 1005.02 shall be eligible for inclusion in the dual enrollment or early admission program. Students enrolled in dual enrollment instruction shall be exempt from the payment of tuition and fees, including laboratory fees. No student enrolled in college credit mathematics or English dual enrollment instruction shall be funded as a dual enrollment unless the student has successfully completed the relevant section of the entry-level examination required pursuant to s. 1008.30.

   (j) Coenrollment. If a high school student wishes to earn high school credits from a 1community college and enrolls in one or more adult secondary education courses at the 1community college, the 1community college shall be reimbursed for the costs incurred because of the high school student’s coenrollment as provided in the General Appropriations Act.

   (k) Instruction in exploratory career education. Students in grades 7 through 12 who are enrolled for more than four semesters in exploratory career education may not be counted as full-time equivalent students for this instruction.

   (l) Study hall. A student who is enrolled in study hall may not be included in the calculation of full-time equivalent student membership for funding under this section.

   (m) Calculation of additional full-time equivalent membership based on International Baccalaureate examination scores of students. A value of 0.16 full-time equivalent student membership shall be calculated for each student enrolled in an International Baccalaureate course who receives a score of 4 or higher on a subject examination. A value of 0.3 full-time equivalent student membership shall be calculated for each student who receives an International Baccalaureate diploma. Such value shall be added to the total full-time equivalent student membership in basic programs for grades 9 through 12 in the subsequent fiscal year. Each school district shall allocate 80 percent of the funds received from International Baccalaureate bonus FTE funding to the school program whose students generate the funds and to school programs that prepare prospective students to enroll in International Baccalaureate courses. Funds shall be expended solely for the payment of allowable costs associated with the International Baccalaureate program. Allowable costs include International Baccalaureate annual school fees; International Baccalaureate examination fees; salary, benefits, and bonuses for teachers and program coordinators for the International Baccalaureate program and teachers and coordinators who prepare prospective students for the International Baccalaureate program; supplemental books; instructional supplies; instructional equipment or instructional materials for International Baccalaureate courses; other activities that identify prospective International Baccalaureate students or prepare prospective students to enroll in International Baccalaureate courses; and training or professional development for International Baccalaureate teachers. School districts shall allocate the remaining 20 percent of the funds received from International Baccalaureate bonus FTE funding for programs that assist academically disadvantaged students to prepare for more rigorous courses. The school district shall distribute to each classroom teacher who provided International Baccalaureate instruction:

   1. A bonus in the amount of $50 for each student taught by the International Baccalaureate teacher in each International Baccalaureate course who receives a score of 4 or higher on the International Baccalaureate examination.

   2. An additional bonus of $500 to each International Baccalaureate teacher in a school designated with a grade of “D” or “F” who has at least one student scoring 4 or higher on the International Baccalaureate examination, regardless of the number of classes taught or of the number of students scoring a 4 or higher on the International Baccalaureate examination.

Bonuses awarded to a teacher according to this paragraph shall not exceed $2,000 in any given school year and shall be in addition to any regular wage or other bonus the teacher received or is scheduled to receive.

   (n) Calculation of additional full-time equivalent membership based on Advanced International Certificate of Education examination scores of students. A value of 0.16 full-time equivalent student membership shall be calculated for each student enrolled in a full-credit Advanced International Certificate of Education course who receives a score of E or higher on a subject examination. A value of 0.08 full-time equivalent student membership shall be calculated for each student enrolled in a half-credit Advanced International Certificate of Education course who receives a score of E or higher on a subject examination. A value of 0.3 full-time equivalent student membership shall be calculated for each student who receives an Advanced International Certificate of Education diploma. Such value shall be added to the total full-time equivalent student membership in basic programs for grades 9 through 12 in the subsequent fiscal year. The school district shall distribute to each classroom teacher who provided Advanced International Certificate of Education instruction:

   1. A bonus in the amount of $50 for each student taught by the Advanced International Certificate of Education teacher in each full-credit Advanced International Certificate of Education course who receives a score of E or higher on the Advanced International Certificate of Education examination. A bonus in the amount of $25 for each student taught by the Advanced International Certificate of Education teacher in each half-credit Advanced International Certificate of Education course who receives a score of E or higher on the Advanced International Certificate of Education examination.

   2. An additional bonus of $500 to each Advanced International Certificate of Education teacher in a school designated with a grade of “D” or “F” who has at least one student scoring E or higher on the full-credit Advanced International Certificate of Education examination, regardless of the number of classes taught or of the number of students scoring an E or higher on the full-credit Advanced International Certificate of Education examination.

   3. Additional bonuses of $250 each to teachers of half-credit Advanced International Certificate of Education classes in a school designated with a grade of “D” or “F” which has at least one student scoring an E or higher on the half-credit Advanced International Certificate of Education examination in that class. The maximum additional bonus for a teacher awarded in accordance with this subparagraph shall not exceed $500 in any given school year. Teachers receiving an award under subparagraph 2. are not eligible for a bonus under this subparagraph.

Bonuses awarded to a teacher according to this paragraph shall not exceed $2,000 in any given school year and shall be in addition to any regular wage or other bonus the teacher received or is scheduled to receive.

   (o) Calculation of additional full-time equivalent membership based on college board advanced placement scores of students. A value of 0.16 full-time equivalent student membership shall be calculated for each student in each advanced placement course who receives a score of 3 or higher on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination for the prior year and added to the total full-time equivalent student membership in basic programs for grades 9 through 12 in the subsequent fiscal year. Each district must allocate at least 80 percent of the funds provided to the district for advanced placement instruction, in accordance with this paragraph, to the high school that generates the funds. The school district shall distribute to each classroom teacher who provided advanced placement instruction:

   1. A bonus in the amount of $50 for each student taught by the Advanced Placement teacher in each advanced placement course who receives a score of 3 or higher on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination.

   2. An additional bonus of $500 to each Advanced Placement teacher in a school designated with a grade of “D” or “F” who has at least one student scoring 3 or higher on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination, regardless of the number of classes taught or of the number of students scoring a 3 or higher on the College Board Advanced Placement Examination.

Bonuses awarded to a teacher according to this paragraph shall not exceed $2,000 in any given school year and shall be in addition to any regular wage or other bonus the teacher received or is scheduled to receive.

   (p) Calculation of additional full-time equivalent membership based on certification of successful completion of industry-certified career and professional academy programs pursuant to ss. 1003.491, 1003.492, and 1003.493 and identified in the Industry Certified Funding List pursuant to rules adopted by the State Board of Education. A value of 0.3 full-time equivalent student membership shall be calculated for each student who completes an industry-certified career and professional academy program under ss. 1003.491, 1003.492, and 1003.493 and who is issued the highest level of industry certification identified annually in the Industry Certification Funding List approved under rules adopted by the State Board of Education and a high school diploma. Such value shall be added to the total full-time equivalent student membership in secondary career education programs for grades 9 through 12 in the subsequent year for courses that were not funded through dual enrollment. The additional full-time equivalent membership authorized under this paragraph may not exceed 0.3 per student. Each district must allocate at least 80 percent of the funds provided for industry certification, in accordance with this paragraph, to the program that generated the funds. Unless a different amount is specified in the General Appropriations Act, the appropriation for this calculation is limited to $15 million annually. If the appropriation is insufficient to fully fund the total calculation, the appropriation shall be prorated.

   (q) Calculation of additional full-time equivalent membership for the Florida Virtual School. The reported full-time equivalent student membership for the Florida Virtual School for students who are also enrolled in a school district shall be multiplied by 0.114, and such value shall be added to the total full-time equivalent student membership.

   (r) Year-round-school programs. The Commissioner of Education is authorized to adjust student eligibility definitions, funding criteria, and reporting requirements of statutes and rules in order that year-round-school programs may achieve equivalent application of funding requirements with non-year-round-school programs.

   (s) Extended-school-year program. It is the intent of the Legislature that students be provided additional instruction by extending the school year to 210 days or more. Districts may apply to the Commissioner of Education for funds to be used in planning and implementing an extended-school-year program.

   (t) Determination of the basic amount for current operation. The basic amount for current operation to be included in the Florida Education Finance Program for kindergarten through grade 12 for each district shall be the product of the following:

   1. The full-time equivalent student membership in each program, multiplied by

   2. The cost factor for each program, adjusted for the maximum as provided by paragraph (c), multiplied by

   3. The base student allocation.

   (u) Computation for funding through the Florida Education Finance Program. The State Board of Education may adopt rules establishing programs and courses for which the student may earn credit toward high school graduation.

   (2) DETERMINATION OF DISTRICT COST DIFFERENTIALS. The Commissioner of Education shall annually compute for each district the current year’s district cost differential. The district cost differential shall be calculated by adding each district’s price level index as published in the Florida Price Level Index for the most recent 3 years and dividing the resulting sum by 3. The result for each district shall be multiplied by 0.008 and to the resulting product shall be added 0.200; the sum thus obtained shall be the cost differential for that district for that year.

   (3) INSERVICE EDUCATIONAL PERSONNEL TRAINING EXPENDITURE. Of the amount computed in subsections (1) and (2), a percentage of the base student allocation per full-time equivalent student or other funds shall be expended for educational training programs as determined by the district school board as provided in s. 1012.98.

   (4) COMPUTATION OF DISTRICT REQUIRED LOCAL EFFORT. The Legislature shall prescribe the aggregate required local effort for all school districts collectively as an item in the General Appropriations Act for each fiscal year. The amount that each district shall provide annually toward the cost of the Florida Education Finance Program for kindergarten through grade 12 programs shall be calculated as follows:

   (a) Estimated taxable value calculations.

   1.a. Not later than 2 working days prior to July 19, the Department of Revenue shall certify to the Commissioner of Education its most recent estimate of the taxable value for school purposes in each school district and the total for all school districts in the state for the current calendar year based on the latest available data obtained from the local property appraisers. The value certified shall be the taxable value for school purposes for that year, and no further adjustments shall be made, except those made pursuant to paragraphs (c) and (d), or an assessment roll change required by final judicial decisions as specified in paragraph (12)(b). Not later than July 19, the Commissioner of Education shall compute a millage rate, rounded to the next highest one one-thousandth of a mill, which, when applied to 96 percent of the estimated state total taxable value for school purposes, would generate the prescribed aggregate required local effort for that year for all districts. The Commissioner of Education shall certify to each district school board the millage rate, computed as prescribed in this subparagraph, as the minimum millage rate necessary to provide the district required local effort for that year.

   b. The General Appropriations Act shall direct the computation of the statewide adjusted aggregate amount for required local effort for all school districts collectively from ad valorem taxes to ensure that no school district’s revenue from required local effort millage will produce more than 90 percent of the district’s total Florida Education Finance Program calculation as calculated and adopted by the Legislature, and the adjustment of the required local effort millage rate of each district that produces more than 90 percent of its total Florida Education Finance Program entitlement to a level that will produce only 90 percent of its total Florida Education Finance Program entitlement in the July calculation.

   2. On the same date as the certification in sub-subparagraph 1.a., the Department of Revenue shall certify to the Commissioner of Education for each district:

   a. Each year for which the property appraiser has certified the taxable value pursuant to s. 193.122(2) or (3), if applicable, since the prior certification under sub-subparagraph 1.a.

   b. For each year identified in sub-subparagraph a., the taxable value certified by the appraiser pursuant to s. 193.122(2) or (3), if applicable, since the prior certification under sub-subparagraph 1.a. This is the certification that reflects all final administrative actions of the value adjustment board.

   (b) Equalization of required local effort.

   1. The Department of Revenue shall include with its certifications provided pursuant to paragraph (a) its most recent determination of the assessment level of the prior year’s assessment roll for each county and for the state as a whole.

   2. The Commissioner of Education shall adjust the required local effort millage of each district for the current year, computed pursuant to paragraph (a), as follows:

   a. The equalization factor for the prior year’s assessment roll of each district shall be multiplied by 96 percent of the taxable value for school purposes shown on that roll and by the prior year’s required local-effort millage, exclusive of any equalization adjustment made pursuant to this paragraph. The dollar amount so computed shall be the additional required local effort for equalization for the current year.

   b. Such equalization factor shall be computed as the quotient of the prior year’s assessment level of the state as a whole divided by the prior year’s assessment level of the county, from which quotient shall be subtracted 1.

   c. The dollar amount of additional required local effort for equalization for each district shall be converted to a millage rate, based on 96 percent of the current year’s taxable value for that district, and added to the required local effort millage determined pursuant to paragraph (a).

   3. Notwithstanding the limitations imposed pursuant to s. 1011.71(1), the total required local-effort millage, including additional required local effort for equalization, shall be an amount not to exceed 10 minus the maximum millage allowed as nonvoted discretionary millage, exclusive of millage authorized pursuant to s. 1011.71(2). Nothing herein shall be construed to allow a millage in excess of that authorized in s. 9, Art. VII of the State Constitution.

   4. For the purposes of this chapter, the term “assessment level” means the value-weighted mean assessment ratio for the county or state as a whole, as determined pursuant to s. 195.096, or as subsequently adjusted. However, for those parcels studied pursuant to s. 195.096(3)(a)1. which are receiving the assessment limitation set forth in s. 193.155, and for which the assessed value is less than the just value, the department shall use the assessed value in the numerator and the denominator of such assessment ratio. In the event a court has adjudicated that the department failed to establish an accurate estimate of an assessment level of a county and recomputation resulting in an accurate estimate based upon the evidence before the court was not possible, that county shall be presumed to have an assessment level equal to that of the state as a whole.

   5. If, in the prior year, taxes were levied against an interim assessment roll pursuant to s. 193.1145, the assessment level and prior year’s nonexempt assessed valuation used for the purposes of this paragraph shall be those of the interim assessment roll.

   (c) Exclusion.

   1. In those instances in which:

   a. There is litigation either attacking the authority of the property appraiser to include certain property on the tax assessment roll as taxable property or contesting the assessed value of certain property on the tax assessment roll, and

   b. The assessed value of the property in contest involves more than 6 percent of the total nonexempt assessment roll, the plaintiff shall provide to the district school board of the county in which the property is located and to the Department of Education a certified copy of the petition and receipt for the good faith payment at the time they are filed with the court.

   2. For purposes of computing the required local effort for each district affected by such petition, the Department of Education shall exclude from the district’s total nonexempt assessment roll the assessed value of the property in contest and shall add the amount of the good faith payment to the district’s required local effort.

   (d) Recomputation. Following final adjudication of any litigation on the basis of which an adjustment in taxable value was made pursuant to paragraph (c), the department shall recompute the required local effort for each district for each year affected by such adjustments, utilizing taxable values approved by the court, and shall adjust subsequent allocations to such districts accordingly.

   (e) Prior period funding adjustment millage.

   1. There shall be an additional millage to be known as the Prior Period Funding Adjustment Millage levied by a school district if the prior period unrealized required local effort funds are greater than zero. The Commissioner of Education shall calculate the amount of the prior period unrealized required local effort funds as specified in subparagraph 2. and the millage required to generate that amount as specified in this subparagraph. The Prior Period Funding Adjustment Millage shall be the quotient of the prior period unrealized required local effort funds divided by the current year taxable value certified to the Commissioner of Education pursuant to sub-subparagraph (a)1.a. This levy shall be in addition to the required local effort millage certified pursuant to this subsection. Such millage shall not affect the calculation of the current year’s required local effort, and the funds generated by such levy shall not be included in the district’s Florida Education Finance Program allocation for that fiscal year. For purposes of the millage to be included on the Notice of Proposed Taxes, the Commissioner of Education shall adjust the required local effort millage computed pursuant to paragraph (a) as adjusted by paragraph (b) for the current year for any district that levies a Prior Period Funding Adjustment Millage to include all Prior Period Funding Adjustment Millage. For the purpose of this paragraph, there shall be a Prior Period Funding Adjustment Millage levied for each year certified by the Department of Revenue pursuant to sub-subparagraph (a)2.a. since the previous year certification and for which the calculation in sub-subparagraph 2.b. is greater than zero.

   2.a. As used in this subparagraph, the term:

   (I) “Prior year” means a year certified under sub-subparagraph (a)2.a.

   (II) “Preliminary taxable value” means:

   (A) If the prior year is the 2009-2010 fiscal year or later, the taxable value certified to the Commissioner of Education pursuant to sub-subparagraph (a)1.a.

   (B) If the prior year is the 2008-2009 fiscal year or earlier, the taxable value certified pursuant to the final calculation as specified in former paragraph (b) as that paragraph existed in the prior year.

   (III) “Final taxable value” means the district’s taxable value as certified by the property appraiser pursuant to s. 193.122(2) or (3), if applicable. This is the certification that reflects all final administrative actions of the value adjustment board.

   b. For purposes of this subsection and with respect to each year certified pursuant to sub-subparagraph (a)2.a., if the district’s prior year preliminary taxable value is greater than the district’s prior year final taxable value, the prior period unrealized required local effort funds are the difference between the district’s prior year preliminary taxable value and the district’s prior year final taxable value, multiplied by the prior year district required local effort millage. If the district’s prior year preliminary taxable value is less than the district’s prior year final taxable value, the prior period unrealized required local effort funds are zero.

   (5) DISCRETIONARY MILLAGE COMPRESSION SUPPLEMENT. The Legislature shall prescribe in the General Appropriations Act, pursuant to s. 1011.71(1), the rate of nonvoted current operating discretionary millage that shall be used to calculate a discretionary millage compression supplement. If the prescribed millage generates an amount of funds per unweighted FTE for the district that is less than the state average, the district shall receive an amount per FTE that, when added to the funds per FTE generated by the designated levy, shall equal the state average.


   (a) In addition to the basic amount for current operations for the FEFP as determined in subsection (1), the Legislature may appropriate categorical funding for specified programs, activities, or purposes.

   (b) If a district school board finds and declares in a resolution adopted at a regular meeting of the school board that the funds received for any of the following categorical appropriations are urgently needed to maintain school board specified academic classroom instruction, the school board may consider and approve an amendment to the school district operating budget transferring the identified amount of the categorical funds to the appropriate account for expenditure:

   1. Funds for student transportation.

   2. Funds for safe schools.

   3. Funds for supplemental academic instruction.

   4. Funds for research-based reading instruction.

   5. Funds for instructional materials if all instructional material purchases necessary to provide updated materials aligned to Next Generation Sunshine State Standards and benchmarks and that meet statutory requirements of content and learning have been completed for that fiscal year, but no sooner than March 1, 2011. Funds available after March 1 may be used to purchase hardware for student instruction.

   (c) Each district school board shall include in its annual financial report to the Department of Education the amount of funds the school board transferred from each of the categorical funds identified in this subsection and the specific academic classroom instruction for which the transferred funds were expended. The Department of Education shall provide instructions and specify the format to be used in submitting this required information as a part of the district annual financial report. The Department of Education shall submit a report to the Legislature that identifies by district and by categorical fund the amount transferred and the specific academic classroom activity for which the funds were expended.

   (d) If a district school board transfers funds from its research-based reading instruction allocation, the board must also submit to the Department of Education an amendment describing the changes that the district is making to its reading plan approved pursuant to paragraph (9)(d).


   (a) Annually, in an amount to be determined by the Legislature through the General Appropriations Act, there shall be added to the basic amount for current operation of the FEFP qualified districts a sparsity supplement which shall be computed as follows:

Sparsity Factor =




2700 + districtsparsityIndex

except that districts with a sparsity index of 1,000 or less shall be computed as having a sparsity index of 1,000, and districts having a sparsity index of 7,308 and above shall be computed as having a sparsity factor of zero. A qualified district’s full-time equivalent student membership shall equal or be less than that prescribed annually by the Legislature in the appropriations act. The amount prescribed annually by the Legislature shall be no less than 17,000, but no more than 24,000.

   (b) The district sparsity index shall be computed by dividing the total number of full-time equivalent students in all programs in the district by the number of senior high school centers in the district, not in excess of three, which centers are approved as permanent centers by a survey made by the Department of Education.

   (c) If the sparsity supplement calculated in paragraphs (a) and (b) for an eligible district is less than $100 per full-time equivalent student, the district’s supplement shall be increased to $100 per FTE or to the minimum amount per FTE designated in the General Appropriations Act.

   (d) Each district’s allocation of sparsity supplement funds shall be adjusted in the following manner:

   1. A maximum discretionary levy per FTE value for each district shall be calculated by dividing the value of each district’s maximum discretionary levy by its FTE student count.

   2. A state average discretionary levy value per FTE shall be calculated by dividing the total maximum discretionary levy value for all districts by the state total FTE student count.

   3. A total potential funds per FTE for each district shall be calculated by dividing the total potential funds, not including Florida School Recognition Program funds, Merit Award Program funds, and the minimum guarantee funds, for each district by its FTE student count.

   4. A state average total potential funds per FTE shall be calculated by dividing the total potential funds, not including Florida School Recognition Program funds, Merit Award Program funds, and the minimum guarantee funds, for all districts by the state total FTE student count.

   5. For districts that have a levy value per FTE as calculated in subparagraph 1. higher than the state average calculated in subparagraph 2., a sparsity wealth adjustment shall be calculated as the product of the difference between the state average levy value per FTE calculated in subparagraph 2. and the district’s levy value per FTE calculated in subparagraph 1. and the district’s FTE student count and -1. However, no district shall have a sparsity wealth adjustment that, when applied to the total potential funds calculated in subparagraph 3., would cause the district’s total potential funds per FTE to be less than the state average calculated in subparagraph 4.

   6. Each district’s sparsity supplement allocation shall be calculated by adding the amount calculated as specified in paragraphs (a) and (b) and the wealth adjustment amount calculated in this paragraph.

   (8) DECLINE IN FULL-TIME EQUIVALENT STUDENTS. In those districts where there is a decline between prior year and current year unweighted FTE students, a percentage of the decline in the unweighted FTE students as determined by the Legislature shall be multiplied by the prior year calculated FEFP per unweighted FTE student and shall be added to the allocation for that district. For this purpose, the calculated FEFP shall be computed by multiplying the weighted FTE students by the base student allocation and then by the district cost differential. If a district transfers a program to another institution not under the authority of the district’s school board, including a charter technical career center, the decline is to be multiplied by a factor of 0.15. However, if the funds provided for the Florida Education Finance Program in the General Appropriations Act for any fiscal year are reduced by a subsequent appropriation for that fiscal year, the percent of the decline in the unweighted FTE students to be funded shall be determined by the Legislature and designated in the subsequent appropriation.


   (a) The research-based reading instruction allocation is created to provide comprehensive reading instruction to students in kindergarten through grade 12.

   (b) Funds for comprehensive, research-based reading instruction shall be allocated annually to each school district in the amount provided in the General Appropriations Act. Each eligible school district shall receive the same minimum amount as specified in the General Appropriations Act, and any remaining funds shall be distributed to eligible school districts based on each school district’s proportionate share of K-12 base funding.

   (c) Funds allocated under this subsection must be used to provide a system of comprehensive reading instruction to students enrolled in the K-12 programs, which may include the following:

   1. The provision of highly qualified reading coaches.

   2. Professional development for school district teachers in scientifically based reading instruction, including strategies to teach reading in content areas and with an emphasis on technical and informational text.

   3. The provision of summer reading camps for students who score at Level 1 on FCAT Reading.

   4. The provision of supplemental instructional materials that are grounded in scientifically based reading research.

   5. The provision of intensive interventions for middle and high school students reading below grade level.

   (d) Annually, by a date determined by the Department of Education but before May 1, school districts shall submit a K-12 comprehensive reading plan for the specific use of the research-based reading instruction allocation in the format prescribed by the department for review and approval by the Just Read, Florida! Office created pursuant to s. 1001.215. The plan annually submitted by school districts shall be deemed approved unless the department rejects the plan on or before June 1. If a school district and the Just Read, Florida! Office cannot reach agreement on the contents of the plan, the school district may appeal to the State Board of Education for resolution. School districts shall be allowed reasonable flexibility in designing their plans and shall be encouraged to offer reading remediation through innovative methods, including career academies. The plan format shall be developed with input from school district personnel, including teachers and principals, and shall allow courses in core, career, and alternative programs that deliver intensive reading remediation through integrated curricula, provided that the teacher is deemed highly qualified to teach reading or working toward that status. No later than July 1 annually, the department shall release the school district’s allocation of appropriated funds to those districts having approved plans. A school district that spends 100 percent of this allocation on its approved plan shall be deemed to have been in compliance with the plan. The department may withhold funds upon a determination that reading instruction allocation funds are not being used to implement the approved plan.

   (10) CALCULATION OF SUPPLEMENTAL ALLOCATION FOR JUVENILE JUSTICE EDUCATION PROGRAMS. The total K-12 weighted full-time equivalent student membership in juvenile justice education programs in each school district shall be multiplied by the amount of the state average class-size-reduction factor multiplied by the district’s cost differential. An amount equal to the sum of this calculation shall be allocated in the FEFP to each school district to supplement other sources of funding for students in juvenile justice education programs.

   (11) QUALITY ASSURANCE GUARANTEE. The Legislature may annually in the General Appropriations Act determine a percentage increase in funds per K-12 unweighted FTE as a minimum guarantee to each school district. The guarantee shall be calculated from prior year base funding per unweighted FTE student which shall include the adjusted FTE dollars as provided in subsection (12), quality guarantee funds, and actual nonvoted discretionary local effort from taxes. From the base funding per unweighted FTE, the increase shall be calculated for the current year. The current year funds from which the guarantee shall be determined shall include the adjusted FTE dollars as provided in subsection (12) and potential nonvoted discretionary local effort from taxes. A comparison of current year funds per unweighted FTE to prior year funds per unweighted FTE shall be computed. For those school districts which have less than the legislatively assigned percentage increase, funds shall be provided to guarantee the assigned percentage increase in funds per unweighted FTE student. Should appropriated funds be less than the sum of this calculated amount for all districts, the commissioner shall prorate each district’s allocation. This provision shall be implemented to the extent specifically funded.

   (12) TOTAL ALLOCATION OF STATE FUNDS TO EACH DISTRICT FOR CURRENT OPERATION. The total annual state allocation to each district for current operation for the FEFP shall be distributed periodically in the manner prescribed in the General Appropriations Act.

   (a) If the funds appropriated for current operation of the FEFP are not sufficient to pay the state requirement in full, the department shall prorate the available state funds to each district in the following manner:

   1. Determine the percentage of proration by dividing the sum of the total amount for current operation, as provided in this paragraph for all districts collectively, and the total district required local effort into the sum of the state funds available for current operation and the total district required local effort.

   2. Multiply the percentage so determined by the sum of the total amount for current operation as provided in this paragraph and the required local effort for each individual district.

   3. From the product of such multiplication, subtract the required local effort of each district; and the remainder shall be the amount of state funds allocated to the district for current operation. However, no calculation subsequent to the appropriation shall result in negative state funds for any district.

   (b) The amount thus obtained shall be the net annual allocation to each school district. However, if it is determined that any school district received an underallocation or overallocation for any prior year because of an arithmetical error, assessment roll change required by final judicial decision, full-time equivalent student membership error, or any allocation error revealed in an audit report, the allocation to that district shall be appropriately adjusted. Beginning with audits for the 2001-2002 fiscal year, if the adjustment is the result of an audit finding in which group 2 FTE are reclassified to the basic program and the district weighted FTE are over the weighted enrollment ceiling for group 2 programs, the adjustment shall not result in a gain of state funds to the district. If the Department of Education audit adjustment recommendation is based upon controverted findings of fact, the Commissioner of Education is authorized to establish the amount of the adjustment based on the best interests of the state.

   (c) The amount thus obtained shall represent the net annual state allocation to each district; however, notwithstanding any of the provisions herein, each district shall be guaranteed a minimum level of funding in the amount and manner prescribed in the General Appropriations Act.

   (13) COMPUTATION OF PRIOR YEAR DISTRICT REQUIRED LOCAL EFFORT. Calculations required in this section shall be based on 95 percent of the taxable value for school purposes for fiscal years prior to the 2010-2011 fiscal year.

History. s. 655, ch. 2002-387; s. 124, ch. 2003-1; s. 15, ch. 2003-391; s. 68, ch. 2004-41; s. 8, ch. 2004-271; s. 10, ch. 2004-349; s. 129, ch. 2004-357; s. 10, ch. 2005-56; s. 10, ch. 2005-196; s. 6, ch. 2006-27; s. 50, ch. 2006-74; s. 177, ch. 2007-5; s. 3, ch. 2007-59; s. 5, ch. 2007-216; ss. 2, 3, ch. 2007-328; ss. 8, 9, ch. 2008-142; s. 7, ch. 2009-40; ss. 29, 41, ch. 2009-59; s. 180, ch. 2010-102; s. 25, ch. 2010-154.


Note. Section 21, ch. 2010-70, directs the Division of Statutory Revision to prepare a reviser’s bill to substitute the term “Florida College System institution” for the terms “Florida college,” “community college,” and “junior college” where those terms appear in the Florida K-20 Education Code.

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