1011.84 Procedure for determining state financial support and annual apportionment of state funds to each 1community college district.
The procedure for determining state financial support and the annual apportionment to each 1community college district authorized to operate a 1community college under the provisions of s. 1001.61 shall be as follows:
(a) The Department of Education shall determine annually from an analysis of operating costs, prepared in the manner prescribed by rules of the State Board of Education, the costs per full-time equivalent student served in courses and fields of study offered in 1community colleges. This information and current college operating budgets shall be submitted to the Executive Office of the Governor with the legislative budget request prior to each regular session of the Legislature.
(b) The allocation of funds for 1community colleges shall be based on advanced and professional disciplines, college-preparatory programs, and other programs for adults funded pursuant to s. 1011.80.
(c) The category of lifelong learning is for students enrolled pursuant to s. 1004.93. A student shall also be reported as a lifelong learning student for his or her enrollment in any course that he or she has previously taken, unless it is a credit course in which the student earned a grade of D or F.
(d) If an adult student has been determined to be a disabled student eligible for an approved educational program for disabled adults provided pursuant to s. 1004.93 and rules of the State Board of Education and is enrolled in a class with curriculum frameworks developed for the program, state funding for that student shall be provided at a level double that of a student enrolled in a special adult general education program provided by a 1community college.
(e) All state inmate education provided by 1community colleges shall be reported by program, FTE expenditure, and revenue source. These enrollments, expenditures, and revenues shall be reported and projected separately. Instruction of state inmates shall not be included in the full-time equivalent student enrollment for funding through the 1Community College Program Fund.
(f) When a public educational institution has been fully funded by an external agency for direct instructional costs of any course or program, the FTE generated shall not be reported for state funding.
(g) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules to implement s. 9(d)(8)f., Art. XII of the State Constitution. These rules shall provide for the use of the funds available under s. 9(d)(8)f., Art. XII by an individual 1community college for operating expense in any fiscal year during which the State Board of Education has determined that all major capital outlay needs have been met. Highest priority for the use of these funds for purposes other than financing approved capital outlay projects shall be for the proper maintenance and repair of existing facilities for projects approved by the State Board of Education. However, in any fiscal year in which funds from this source are authorized for operating expense other than approved maintenance and repair projects, the allocation of 1community college program funds shall be reduced by an amount equal to the sum used for such operating expense for that 1community college that year, and that amount shall not be released or allocated among the other 1community colleges that year.
(2) DETERMINING THE AMOUNT TO BE INCLUDED FOR CAPITAL OUTLAY AND DEBT SERVICE. The amount included for capital outlay and debt service shall be as determined and provided in s. 18, Art. XII of the State Constitution of 1885, as adopted by s. 9(d), Art. XII of the 1968 revised State Constitution and State Board of Education rules.
(a) By December 15 of each year, the Department of Education shall estimate the annual enrollment of each 1community college for the current fiscal year and for the 3 subsequent fiscal years. These estimates shall be based upon prior years’ enrollments, upon the initial fall term enrollments for the current fiscal year for each college, and upon each college’s estimated current enrollment and demographic changes in the respective 1community college districts. Upper-division enrollment shall be estimated separately from lower-division enrollment.
(b) The apportionment to each 1community college from the 1Community College Program Fund shall be determined annually in the General Appropriations Act. In determining each college’s apportionment, the Legislature shall consider the following components:
1. Base budget, which includes the state appropriation to the 1Community College Program Fund in the current year plus the related student tuition and out-of-state fees assigned in the current General Appropriations Act.
2. The cost-to-continue allocation, which consists of incremental changes to the base budget, including salaries, price levels, and other related costs allocated through a funding model approved by the Legislature which may recognize differing economic factors arising from the individual educational approaches of the various 1community colleges, including, but not limited to:
a. Direct Instructional Funding, including class size, faculty productivity factors, average faculty salary, ratio of full-time to part-time faculty, costs of programs, and enrollment factors.
b. Academic Support, including small colleges factor, multicampus factor, and enrollment factor.
c. Student Services Support, including headcount of students as well as FTE count and enrollment factors.
d. Library Support, including volume and other materials/audiovisual requirements.
e. Special Projects.
f. Operations and Maintenance of Plant, including square footage and utilization factors.
g. District Cost Differential.
3. Students enrolled in a recreation and leisure program and students enrolled in a lifelong learning program who may not be counted as full-time equivalent enrollments for purposes of enrollment workload adjustments.
4. Operating costs of new facilities adjustments, which shall be provided, from funds available, for each new facility that is owned by the college and is recommended in accordance with s. 1013.31.
5. New and improved program enhancements, which shall be determined by the Legislature.
Student fees in the base budget plus student fee revenues generated by increases in fee rates shall be deducted from the sum of the components determined in subparagraphs 1.-5. The amount remaining shall be the net annual state apportionment to each college.
(c) No 1community college shall commit funds for the employment of personnel or resources in excess of those required to continue the same level of support for either the previously approved enrollment or the revised enrollment, whichever is lower.
(d) The apportionment to each 1community college district for capital outlay and debt service shall be the amount determined in accordance with subsection (2). This amount, less any amount determined as necessary for administrative expense by the State Board of Education and any amount necessary for debt service on bonds issued by the State Board of Education, shall be transmitted to the 1community college board of trustees to be expended in a manner prescribed by rules of the State Board of Education.
(e) If at any time the unencumbered balance in the general fund of the 1community college board of trustees approved operating budget goes below 5 percent, the president shall provide written notification to the State Board of Education.
(f) Expenditures for apprenticeship programs shall be reported separately.
(g) Expenditures for upper-division enrollment in a 1community college that grants baccalaureate degrees shall be reported separately from expenditures for lower-division enrollment, in accordance with law and State Board of Education rule.
(4) EXPENDITURE OF ALLOCATED FUNDS. Any funds allocated herein to any 1community college shall be expended only for the purpose of supporting that 1community college.
(5) REPORT OF REMEDIAL EDUCATION. Each 1community college board of trustees shall report the volume and cost of remedial education activities as a separate item in its annual cost accounting system.
History. s. 679, ch. 2002-387; s. 13, ch. 2004-271; s. 27, ch. 2010-155.
Note. Section 21, ch. 2010-70, directs the Division of Statutory Revision to prepare a reviser’s bill to substitute the term “Florida College System institution” for the terms “Florida college,” “community college,” and “junior college” where those terms appear in the Florida K-20 Education Code.