1013.512 Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board.
(1) The Legislature recognizes that effective land acquisition and facilities operations are essential components of Florida district school boards’ ability to provide facilities to accommodate the growing student population in the state. To support and assist the school districts, it is appropriate for the Legislature to make advisory resources available to aid districts in meeting those needs.
(2) If the director of the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA) or the Auditor General determines in a review or examination that significant deficiencies exist in a school district’s land acquisition and facilities operational processes, he or she shall certify to the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Legislative Budget Commission, and the Governor that the deficiency exists. Upon recommendation by the Governor, the Legislative Budget Commission shall approve or disapprove the placement of school district funds in reserve until the deficiencies are corrected.
(3) After receipt of that certification, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Governor shall name a Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board to provide expert advice and assist in improving the district’s land acquisition and facilities operational processes. Each Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board shall consist of seven members and shall possess specific expertise needed to assist the school district in improving its deficient processes. The President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall each appoint two members, and the Governor shall appoint three members of the advisory board. Membership of each advisory board may be different for each district. Members shall serve without compensation but may be reimbursed for travel and per diem expenses in accordance with s. 112.061.
(4) Within 30 days of its formation, the Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board shall convene in the district and make all reasonable efforts to help the district correct deficiencies noted in the examination or audit of the district. The district must cooperate with the advisory board and provide information as requested.
(5) Within 60 days of convening, the Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board shall assess the district’s progress and corrective actions and report to the Commissioner of Education. The advisory board’s report must address the release of any funds placed in reserve by the Executive Office of the Governor. Any recommendation from the advisory board for the release of funds shall include a certification that policies established, procedures followed, and expenditures made by the school board related to site acquisition and facilities planning and construction are consistent with recommendations of the Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board and will accomplish corrective action and address recommendations made by the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability and the Auditor General. If the advisory board does not recommend release of the funds held in reserve, they shall provide additional assistance and submit a subsequent report 60 days after the previous report.
(6) Upon certification by the advisory board that corrective action has been taken, each Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board shall be disbanded.
History. s. 10, ch. 2001-86; ss. 8, 9, ch. 2002-402; s. 61, ch. 2005-152.
Note. Former s. 230.23024.