295.085 Positions for which a numerically based selection process is not used.
In all positions in which the appointment or employment of persons is not subject to a written examination, with the exception of positions that are exempt under s. 295.07(4), first preference in appointment, employment, and retention shall be given by the state and political subdivisions in the state to persons included under s. 295.07(1)(a) and (b), and second preference shall be given to persons included under s. 295.07(1)(c) and (d) who possess the minimum qualifications necessary to discharge the duties of the position involved.
History. s. 4, ch. 24201, 1947; s. 2, ch. 77-422; s. 3, ch. 78-372; s. 3, ch. 80-370; s. 15, ch. 84-114; s. 6, ch. 87-356; s. 2, ch. 89-323; s. 4, ch. 98-33; s. 80, ch. 99-13.
Note. Former s. 295.10.