§ 2-10-52 - Definitions
O.C.G.A. 2-10-52 (2010)
2-10-52. Definitions
As used in this article, the term:
(1) "Agricultural products" means fruits, vegetables, pecans, nuts, eggs, dairy products, forestry and horticultural products, fish, seafood, meat, poultry, and other such products of farm, field, and water, whether fresh, frozen, canned, or otherwise packaged.
(2) "False pack" means the topping or facing of containers with the best products exposed and poor products concealed underneath.
(3) "Farmers' market" means any place within this state where farmers or producers may sell, bring or send to sell, exhibit, or transship agricultural products; or where buyers may come to buy, inspect, or transport agricultural products; or where such products may be processed or stored for sale, either at wholesale or retail. This term shall include all real and personal property, buildings, warehouses, storage facilities, barns, exhibition halls, and other structures, facilities, utilities, parking areas, streets, tracks, and other appurtenances and facilities, including, but not limited to, restaurants, service stations, and other like facilities of every kind and character used or useful at such place in promoting the buying, selling, or exchange of agricultural products. Use of such facilities shall not be limited to the buying, selling, or exchange of agricultural products so long as their use promotes the buying, selling, or exchange of such agricultural products as determined by the Commissioner. This definition shall include and not prohibit the sale of grocery items or other items commonly sold or offered for sale in conjunction with the sale of agricultural products.
(4) "Lease" means the creation of a written instrument (a lease) under the terms and conditions of which one party (lessor) out of its own estate grants and conveys to another party or parties (lessee or lessees) an estate for years retaining a reversion in itself after such grant and conveyance.
(4.1) "License" means revocable written permission from the Commissioner on a form prescribed by him or her whereby a person or entity has limited authority to enter the property of a farmers' market to offer for sale and sell sundry items at such market. Such a license is a mere privilege and does not confer upon the licensee any title, interest, or estate in any such market, its premises, or any space thereof.
(5) "Person" means any individual, limited or general partnership, association, firm, company, or corporation.
(6) "Real property" means both improved and unimproved real property and shall also include space in and on the real property.
(7) "Rent" means the creation of a written instrument (a rental agreement) the terms and conditions of which create the relationship of landlord and tenant. Under such relationship no estate passes out of the landlord and the tenant has only a usufruct.
(8) "Day," "month," and "year" means "calendar day," "calendar month," and "calendar year."
(9) "State" means the State of Georgia.