§ 2-8-67 - Assessments to defray expenses of marketing orders; budgets for administration; authority to borrow money; contributions in lieu of advance deposits; collection of assessments; rules; enf
O.C.G.A. 2-8-67 (2010)
2-8-67. Assessments to defray expenses of marketing orders; budgets for administration; authority to borrow money; contributions in lieu of advance deposits; collection of assessments; rules; enforcement of payment; deposit and disbursement of moneys; investment of moneys
(a) For the purpose of providing funds to defray the necessary expenses incurred by the commission in the formulation, issuance, administration, and enforcement of each marketing order issued under this article, each such marketing order shall provide for the levying and collection of assessments in sufficient amounts to defray such expenses. Each marketing order shall indicate the maximum rate of any such assessment which may be collected and the proportion, if any, payable by each producer and handler directly regulated or affected by such marketing order. In administering such marketing order, the commission shall adopt, from time to time, budgets to cover necessary expenses and the assessment rate necessary to provide sufficient funds. If the commission finds that each such budget and assessment rate are proper and equitable and will provide sufficient moneys to defray the necessary expenses, it may approve such budget and rate of assessment and order that each producer and handler so assessed shall pay to the commission, at such times and in such installments as the commission may prescribe, an assessment, based upon the units in which peanuts are marketed or upon any other uniform basis which the commission determines to be reasonable and equitable, but in amounts which (1) in the case of producers will not exceed 2 1/2 percent of the gross dollar volume of sales of the peanuts affected by all such producers regulated by such marketing order, or (2) in the case of processors, distributors, or other handlers will not exceed 2 1/2 percent of the gross dollar volume of purchases of peanuts affected by the marketing order from producers or of the gross dollar volume of sales of peanuts affected by the marketing order and handled by all such processors, distributors, or other handlers regulated by such marketing order during the marketing season or seasons during which such marketing order is effective.
(b) Each marketing order which authorizes the carrying out of advertising and sales promotion plans shall provide for the levying and collection of assessments in sufficient amounts to defray the expenses of such activities. Each such marketing order shall indicate the maximum rate of any such assessment and the proportion, if any, payable by each producer and handler directly regulated or affected by such marketing order. The commission shall adopt budgets to cover such expenses and establish the assessment rate necessary to provide sufficient funds. If the commission finds that each such budget and assessment rate are proper and equitable and will provide sufficient moneys to defray such expenses, they may approve such budget and approve and levy such assessment. Any assessments so established shall be based upon the units in which peanuts are marketed or upon any other uniform basis which the commission determines to be proper and equitable. Any assessment rates established under this subsection shall be in amounts not to exceed 4 percent of the gross dollar volume of sales by all producers or by all processors, distributors, or other handlers of peanuts regulated by such marketing order during the marketing season or seasons during which such marketing order is effective.
(c) In lieu of the assessments to defray the costs of formulation, issuance, administration, and enforcement of the marketing order and of advertising or sales promotion provided for in subsections (a) and (b) of this Code section, if the marketing order contains provisions for advertising or sales promotion as authorized in this article, the commission may approve and fix one assessment not exceeding 6 1/2 percent of the gross dollar volume of sales of such peanuts by all producers or by all processors, distributors, or other handlers of such peanuts regulated by such marketing order during the marketing season or seasons during which such marketing order is effective. The method and manner of assessment and collection thereof and the limitations and restrictions applicable thereupon shall conform in all respects with subsection (b) of this Code section, except as to the maximum amount of such assessment. In such case, the commission shall approve the proportions of such assessments which may be expended to defray the costs of formulation, issuance, administration, and enforcement of the marketing order and of such advertising or sales promotion program, provided that the proportion of such assessments which may be allocated in such manner to defray the cost of such administrative activities for such marketing order shall in no case exceed the maximum amount authorized in subsection (a) of this Code section.
(d) In the event that the commission has reason to believe that the administration of a marketing order will be facilitated or the attainment of the purposes and objectives of the marketing order will be promoted thereby, the commission is authorized to borrow money, with or without interest, to carry out any provision of any marketing order authorized by this article and may hypothecate anticipated assessment collections applicable to such respective provisions.
(e) In lieu of requiring advance deposits for defraying administrative or advertising and sales promotion expenses until such time as sufficient moneys are collected for such purposes from the payment of assessments established pursuant to this Code section, the commission is authorized to receive and disburse for such purposes contributions made by producers, processors, distributors, or other handlers. The commission shall not be held responsible for the repayment of such contributions, provided that whenever collections from the payment of established assessments credited to the respective marketing order accounts are sufficient so to warrant, the commission shall repay contributions or shall authorize the application of such contributions to the assessment obligations of the persons who made such contributions.
(f) Each and every handler of peanuts for which an assessment has been established by or pursuant to this article shall, at the time of purchase of any such peanuts from the producer thereof, collect from such producer the assessment established by or in accordance with this article and remit the same to the commission. The liability of such handler under this article shall not be discharged except upon receipt of such sums by the commission. For the purpose of this subsection, to ensure compliance with this Code section, and for the administrative convenience of the commission in enforcing payment and collection of such assessments, delivery by a producer to a handler for processing of any peanuts upon which an assessment has been established shall be deemed a sale of such peanuts within the meaning of this Code section; and the assessment shall thereupon attach and become due, regardless of whether such handler actually purchases such peanuts for himself or only processes same for a consideration payable by the producer or another person and such peanuts are thereafter sold to another person, provided that upon collection of such assessment by the handler to whom such peanuts are so delivered for processing only, no further or additional assessment shall attach or become due by reason of the subsequent sale by such producer of such processed peanuts to another person or handler.
(g) The commission may prescribe such rules as may be necessary and reasonable for the orderly reporting and transmitting of assessments by handlers and may take all legal action necessary to enforce payment of the same by handlers. The commission is authorized to issue executions for the same in like manner as executions are issued for ad valorem property taxes due the state. It shall be the duty of each and every sheriff of this state and their lawful deputies, upon the request of the commission, to levy and collect such executions and to make their return thereof to the commission in like manner as such tax executions are levied and return thereof made to county tax collectors and tax commissioners. The commission shall likewise be authorized to collect, by execution as provided in this subsection or otherwise, directly from the producer against whom any assessment levied under this Code section may be found due whenever it is determined that such producer has sold such affected peanuts giving rise to such liability to a person other than to a handler who has collected such assessment and is required by this Code section to remit the same to the commission. Furthermore, the commission may proceed against such producer and the purchaser of such peanuts simultaneously if the purchaser is a handler required to collect such assessment, until satisfaction is obtained.
(h) Any moneys collected by the commission pursuant to this article shall be deposited in a bank or other depository approved by the commission and shall be disbursed by the commission only for the necessary expenses incurred by the commission, as approved by the commission. Funds so collected shall be deposited and disbursed in conformity with appropriate rules and regulations prescribed by the commission. All such expenditures by the commission shall be audited at least annually by the state auditor and a copy of such audit shall be delivered within 30 days after the completion thereof to the Governor and the commission. If the commission is abolished, any funds remaining in its hands at such time shall be used to pay the existing obligations of the commission and the expenses incurred in winding up the affairs of the commission. Any excess remaining shall escheat to the state and shall be paid into the state treasury as unclaimed trust funds.
(i) Moneys deposited by the commission pursuant to this Code section which the commission determines are available for investment may be invested or reinvested by the commission as provided for funds of this state or of any retirement system created by law, provided that all moneys invested shall be invested in those areas of production that will provide a return at the highest bank interest rate available. It shall be the duty of the commission annually to review these investments and determine whether they are in compliance with this Code section.