§ 20-1A-8 - Transfer of functions, powers, personnel, equipment, and assets to department; funding
O.C.G.A. 20-1A-8 (2010)
20-1A-8. Transfer of functions, powers, personnel, equipment, and assets to department; funding
(a) Effective October 1, 2004, the department shall carry out all of the functions and exercise all of the powers formerly held by the Department of Human Resources (now known as the Department of Human Services) for the regulation and licensure of early care and education programs and any other functions as agreed upon by the department and the Department of Human Resources. Subject to subsection (c) of this Code section, all persons employed by and positions authorized for the Department of Human Resources to perform functions relating to the licensure and certification of early care and education programs and any other functions as agreed upon by the department and the Department of Human Resources on September 30, 2004, shall on October 1, 2004, be transferred to the department. All office equipment, furniture, and other assets in possession of the Department of Human Resources which are used or held exclusively or principally by personnel transferred under this subsection shall be transferred to the department on October 1, 2004.
(b) Effective October 1, 2004, notwithstanding the advisory functions of the Georgia Child Care Council included in Code Section 20-1A-63, the department shall carry out the functions and exercise the powers formerly held by the Georgia Child Care Council under former Article 11 of Chapter 5 of Title 49. Subject to subsection (c) of this Code section, all persons employed by and positions authorized for the Georgia Child Care Council to perform functions relating to the recommendation of measures to improve the quality, availability, and affordability of child care in this state on September 30, 2004, shall on October 1, 2004, be transferred to the department. All office equipment, furniture, and other assets in possession of the Georgia Child Care Council or the Department of Human Resources, (now known as the Department of Human Services) which are used or held exclusively or principally by personnel transferred under this subsection shall be transferred to the department on October 1, 2004.
(c) All transfers of employees and assets provided for in subsections (a) and (b) of this Code section shall be subject to the approval of the commissioner, and such personnel or assets shall not be transferred if the commissioner determines that a specific employee or asset should remain with the transferring agency.
(d) Employees of the department shall serve in the unclassified service of the State Personnel Administration as defined by Code Section 45-20-6. Persons who have transferred to the department pursuant to subsections (a) and (b) of this Code section who are in the classified service of the State Personnel Administration at the time of the transfer may elect to remain in such classified service and be governed by the provisions thereof; provided, however, that if any such person accepts a promotion or transfers to another position, that person shall become an employee in the unclassified service.
(e) All rights, credits, and funds in the Employees' Retirement System of Georgia created in Chapter 2 of Title 47 which are possessed by state personnel transferred by provisions of this Code section to the department, or otherwise held by persons at the time of employment with the department, are continued and preserved, it being the intention of the General Assembly that such persons shall not lose any rights, credits, or funds to which they may be entitled prior to becoming employees of the department. No employment benefit of any employee transferring to the department shall be impaired.
(f) Funding for functions and positions transferred to the department under this Code section shall be transferred as provided in Code Section 45-12-90.