§ 28-4-2 - General powers and duties of the Legislative Services Committee
O.C.G.A. 28-4-2 (2010)
28-4-2. General powers and duties of the Legislative Services Committee
(a) The committee is empowered to:
(1) Study and adopt methods and procedures to operate more efficiently the General Assembly and each house thereof;
(2) Study and adopt methods and procedures to make more uniform the operations of the Senate and the House of Representatives;
(3) Exercise general supervision of the operation of the legislative branch of government and act for and enter into contracts on behalf of agencies of the legislative branch, the General Assembly, and each house thereof;
(4) Provide for services for the legislative branch of government; and
(5) Delegate such of its powers and authority as it deems advisable.
(b) The committee shall have complete control, authority, and jurisdiction over the rooms, chambers, offices, and other areas on the third and fourth floors of the state capitol building and on the mezzanine between the third and fourth floors. All assignments for the use of such rooms, chambers, offices, and other areas by the General Assembly, the Senate, the House of Representatives, committees of the Senate and the House, members of the Senate and the House, and agencies, officials, and employees of the legislative branch of government shall be made by the committee or under such procedure as the committee shall provide. Any assignment shall be subject to change by the committee. Use of any such room, chamber, office, or other area, other than as provided above, shall be under such procedure as the committee shall provide.
(c) The committee is authorized to provide for the maintenance, repair, construction, renovation, refurbishing, and furnishing of the rooms, offices, and other areas which are under the control, authority, and jurisdiction of the committee or which have been assigned jointly to the Senate and House of Representatives. The Senate is authorized to provide for the maintenance, repair, construction, renovation, refurbishing, and furnishing of the rooms, chamber, offices, and other areas which are under the control, authority, and jurisdiction of the Senate and the House of Representatives is authorized to provide for the maintenance, repair, construction, renovation, refurbishing, and furnishing of the rooms, chamber, offices, and other areas which are under the control, authority, and jurisdiction of the House of Representatives. Any repair, construction, or renovation by the committee, the Senate, or the House of Representatives in an amount exceeding $5,000.00 shall be accomplished on a competitive bid basis unless such repair, construction, or renovation is accomplished by a state agency or authority. The committee, the Senate, and the House of Representatives shall provide for competitive bids. The committee, the Senate, and the House of Representatives may provide for emergency repairs other than by competitive bids.
(d) The committee shall provide for the procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment which are required jointly for the Senate and House of Representatives. The Senate shall provide for the procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment for the Senate and the House of Representatives shall provide for the procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment for the House of Representatives. Such procurement by the committee, the Senate, and the House of Representatives may be accomplished through a state-wide contract which has been approved by the Department of Administrative Services -- Purchasing Division and which was entered into as a result of competitive bids. Procurement may also be accomplished through the Department of Administrative Services -- Central Supply. All other procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment in an amount exceeding $3,000.00 on any single order shall be accomplished by competitive bids. The committee, the Senate, and the House of Representatives shall provide for competitive bids. The committee, the Senate, and the House of Representatives may provide for emergency procurement of supplies, materials, and equipment without competitive bids. The committee, the Senate, and the House of Representatives may provide for the emergency repair of equipment without competitive bids.
(e) The committee shall contract with a licensed certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm to conduct annually in accordance with accepted accounting principles a financial audit of legislative funds and expenditures. Such audit shall detail the expenditures of the following offices of the legislative branch: Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of the Senate, Senate, Speaker of the House of Representatives, Clerk of the House of Representatives, House of Representatives, Office of Legislative Counsel, Office of Legislative Budget Analyst, and Office of Legislative Fiscal Officer.
(f) The committee is authorized to contract with a licensed certified public accountant or certified public accounting firm to perform a management audit of the financial practices and operations of the legislative branch of government and, if the committee deems it advisable, to conduct a performance audit of one or more of the legislative offices listed in subsection (e) of this Code section.
(g) A copy of the minutes of the meetings of the committee and of the audits provided for in this Code section shall be made available for public inspection in the office of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, in the office of the President of the Senate, in the office of the Clerk of the House of Representatives, and in the office of the Secretary of the Senate. Upon the request of a member of the General Assembly, a copy of the minutes of a meeting of the committee shall be sent to such member.
(h) The committee is authorized to provide for such other procedures as it deems advisable for the purpose of carrying out this Code section.