§ 31-13-5 - Powers and duties of Department of Community Health and Department of Natural Resources; enforcement of chapter through inspection; training programs
O.C.G.A. 31-13-5 (2010)
31-13-5. Powers and duties of Department of Community Health and Department of Natural Resources; enforcement of chapter through inspection; training programs
(a) For the protection of the public health and safety, the Department of Community Health, with regard to radiation generating equipment, and the Department of Natural Resources, with regard to radioactive materials, are empowered to:
(1) Develop comprehensive policies and programs for the evaluation, determination, and amelioration of hazards associated with the use of radiation. Such policies and programs shall be developed with due regard for compatibility with federal programs;
(2) Advise, consult, and cooperate with other public agencies and with affected groups and industries;
(3) Encourage, participate in, or conduct studies, investigations, public hearings, training, research, and demonstrations relating to the control of sources of radiation, the effect upon public health and safety of exposure to radiation, and related problems;
(4) Adopt, promulgate, amend, and repeal such rules, regulations, and standards which may provide for licensing or registration relating to the distribution, assembly, manufacture, production, transportation, use, handling, storage, disposal, sale, lease, or other disposition of radioactive material and radiation generating equipment as may be necessary to carry out this chapter, provided that prior to adoption of any regulation or standard, or amendment or repeal thereof, the Department of Community Health or the Department of Natural Resources, as is appropriate, shall afford interested parties an opportunity, at a public hearing conducted as provided in Article 1 of Chapter 5 of this title, to submit data or views orally or in writing. The recommendations of nationally recognized bodies in the field of radiation protection shall be taken into consideration when formulating standards relative to the permissible dosage of radiation;
(5) Issue, modify, or revoke orders, in connection with proceedings under this chapter, prohibiting or abating the discharge of radiation and radioactive material or waste into the ground, air, or waters of the state, except that the Department of Natural Resources shall not prohibit discharges expressly permitted by the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission or any successor agency;
(6) Require the submission of plans, specifications, and reports for new construction and material alterations on (A) the design and protective shielding of installations for radioactive material and radiation generating equipment; and (B) systems for the disposal of radioactive waste materials and for the determination of any radiation hazard; and render opinions, approve, or disapprove such plans and specifications;
(7) Require all sources of radiation to be shielded, transported, handled, used, stored, or disposed of in such a manner to provide compliance with this chapter and rules, regulations, and standards adopted pursuant to this chapter;
(8) Collect and disseminate information relating to the control of sources of radiation, including but not limited to (A) maintenance of a file of all license applications, issuances, denials, amendments, transfers, renewals, modifications, suspensions, and revocations; and (B) maintenance of a file of registrants possessing sources of radiation requiring registration under this chapter, regulations promulgated pursuant to this chapter, and any administrative or judicial action pertaining thereto;
(9) Exempt certain sources of radiation or kinds of uses or users from the licensing or registration requirements set forth in this chapter when the Department of Community Health or the Department of Natural Resources, as is applicable, determines that the exemption of such sources of radiation or kinds of uses or users will not constitute a significant risk to the health and safety of the public;
(10) Adopt and promulgate rules and regulations pursuant to this chapter which may provide for recognition of other state and federal licenses as the Department of Community Health or the Department of Natural Resources shall deem desirable, subject to such registration requirements as may be prescribed by the applicable department; and
(11) Exercise all incidental powers necessary to administer this chapter.
(b) The Department of Community Health and the Department of Natural Resources are authorized to enter upon any public or private property at all reasonable times for the purpose of determining compliance with applicable provisions of this chapter and rules, regulations, and standards adopted pursuant to this chapter.
(c) The Department of Community Health and the Department of Natural Resources are authorized to enter into appropriate agreements with the federal government, other states, or interstate agencies, whereby this state will perform, on a cooperative basis with the federal government, other states, or interstate agencies, inspections and other functions related to the control of radiation.
(d) The Department of Community Health and the Department of Natural Resources are authorized to institute appropriate training programs for the purpose of qualifying personnel to administer applicable provisions of this chapter and may make such personnel available for participation in any programs of the federal government, other states, or interstate agencies in furtherance of the purposes of this chapter.