§ 32-9-1 - Financial support and project grants for research, programs, and purchases
O.C.G.A. 32-9-1 (2010)
32-9-1. Financial support and project grants for research, programs, and purchases
(a) As used in this Code section, the term:
(1) "Mass transportation" means all modes of transportation serving the general public which are appropriate, in the judgment of the department, to transport people, commodities, or freight by highways, rail, air, water, or other conveyance, exclusive of wires and pipelines.
(2) "Mass transportation facilities" means everything necessary for the conveyance and convenience of passengers and the safe and prompt transportation of freight on those modes of transportation serving the general public which are appropriate, in the judgment of the department, to transport people, commodities, or freight by highways, rail, air, water, or other conveyance, exclusive of wires and pipelines.
(3) "Project grant" means the state's share of the cost of carrying out a particular project authorized by this Code section. This share may be provided in direct financial support, goods or products, personnel services, or any combination thereof.
(b) Subject to general fund appropriations for such purposes and any provisions of Chapter 5 of this title to the contrary notwithstanding, the department is authorized, within the limitations provided in paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection, to provide to municipalities, counties, regional commissions, authorities, state agencies, and public and private mass transportation operators:
(1) Financial support for research concerning mass transportation, by contract or otherwise; and
(2) Project grants to supplement federal, local, or federal and local funds for use:
(A) In providing for studies, analyses, and planning and development of programs for mass transportation service and facilities;
(B) In providing for research, development, and demonstration projects in all phases of mass transportation;
(C) In providing for programs designed solely to advertise, promote, and stimulate the development and use of mass transportation facilities; and
(D) In providing for the purchase of facilities and equipment, including rolling stock, used or to be used for the purpose of mass transportation.
(c) (1) The governing bodies of municipalities, counties, regional commissions, authorities, state agencies, and public and private mass transportation operators may, by formal resolution, apply to the department for financial support and project grants provided by this Code section.
(2) The use of funds or grants shall be for the purposes set forth in this Code section and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, may be used for local contributions required by the federal Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964, as amended, or any other federal law concerning mass transportation.
(3) The department shall review the proposal and, if satisfied that the proposal is in accordance with the purposes of this Code section, may, with the approval of the commissioner, enter into a financial support or project grant agreement subject to the condition that the financial support or project grant be used in accordance with the terms of the proposal.
(4) The time of payment of the financial support or project grant and any conditions concerning such payment shall be set forth in the financial support or project grant agreement.
(d) In order to effectuate and enforce this Code section, the department is authorized to promulgate necessary rules and regulations and to prescribe conditions and procedures in order to assure compliance in carrying out the purposes for which financial support and project grants may be made in accordance with this Code section.
(e) The department is directed to administer this program with such flexibility as to permit full cooperation between federal, state, and local governments, agencies, and instrumentalities so as to result in an effective and economical program.
(f) Funds appropriated to the department pursuant to Article III, Section IX, Paragraph VI(b) of the Constitution of Georgia may not be utilized for any of the purposes set out in this Code section.
(g) No financial support or project grant provided for in this Code section may be made to any private mass transportation operator without prior concurrence of the State Transportation Board.