§ 35-3-33 - Powers and duties of center generally
O.C.G.A. 35-3-33 (2010)
35-3-33. Powers and duties of center generally
(a) The center shall:
(1) Obtain and file fingerprints, descriptions, photographs, and any other pertinent identifying data on persons who:
(A) Have been or are hereafter arrested or taken into custody in this state:
(i) For an offense which is a felony;
(ii) For an offense which is a misdemeanor or a violation of an ordinance involving burglary tools, commercial gambling, dealing in gambling devices, contributing to the delinquency of a child, dealing in stolen property, dangerous drugs, marijuana, narcotics, firearms, dangerous weapons, explosives, pandering, prostitution, sex offenses where children are victims, or worthless checks;
(iii) For an offense charged as disorderly conduct but which relates to an act connected with one or more of the offenses under division (ii) of this subparagraph;
(iv) As a fugitive from justice; or
(v) For any other offense designated by the Attorney General;
(B) Are or become career criminals, well-known offenders, or habitual offenders;
(C) Are currently or become confined to any prison, penitentiary, or other penal institution;
(D) Are unidentified human corpses found in this state; or
(E) Are children who are charged with an offense that if committed by an adult would be a felony or are children whose cases are transferred from a juvenile court to another court for prosecution;
(2) Compare all fingerprint and other identifying data received with those already on file and, whether or not a criminal record is found for a person, at once inform the requesting agency or arresting officer of such facts as may be disseminated consistent with applicable security and privacy laws and regulations. A log shall be maintained of all disseminations made of each individual criminal history including at least the date and recipient of such information;
(3) Provide a uniform crime reporting system for the periodic collection, analysis, and reporting of crimes reported to and otherwise processed by any and all law enforcement agencies within the state, as defined and provided for in this article;
(4) Periodically conduct audits of crime reporting practices of criminal justice agencies to ensure compliance with the standards of national and state uniform crime reporting systems and to ensure reporting of criminal arrests, dispositions, and custodial information;
(5) Develop, operate, and maintain an information system which will support the collection, storage, retrieval, and dissemination of all crime and offender data described in this article consistent with those principles of scope, security, and responsiveness prescribed by this article;
(6) Cooperate with all criminal justice agencies within the state in providing those forms, procedures, standards, and related training assistance necessary for the uniform operation of the center;
(7) Offer assistance and, when practicable, instruction to all criminal justice agencies in establishing efficient local records systems;
(8) Compile statistics on the nature and extent of crime in the state and compile other data related to planning for and operating criminal justice agencies, provided that such statistics do not identify persons, and make available all such statistical information obtained to the Governor, the General Assembly, and any other governmental agencies whose primary responsibilities include the planning, development, or execution of crime reduction programs. Access to such information by the latter governmental agencies will be on an individual, written request basis wherein must be demonstrated a need to know, the intent of any analyses, dissemination of such analyses, and any security provisions deemed necessary by the center;
(9) Periodically publish in print or electronically statistics, no less frequently than annually, that do not identify persons and report such information to the Governor, the General Assembly, state and local criminal justice agencies, and the general public. Such information shall accurately reflect the level and nature of crime in the state and the operations in general of the different types of agencies within the criminal justice system;
(10) Make available, upon request, to all local and state criminal justice agencies, all federal criminal justice agencies, and criminal justice agencies in other states any information in the files of the center which will aid these agencies in the performance of their official duties. For this purpose the center shall operate on a 24 hour basis, seven days a week. Such information when authorized by the council may also be made available to any other agency of the state or political subdivision of the state and to any other federal agency upon assurance by the agency concerned that the information is to be used for official purposes only in the prevention or detection of crime or the apprehension of criminal offenders;
(11) Cooperate with other agencies of the state, the crime information agencies of other states, and the Uniform Crime Reports and National Crime Information Center systems of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in developing and conducting an interstate, national, and international system of criminal identification, records, and statistics;
(12) Provide the administrative mechanisms and procedures necessary to respond to those individuals who file requests to view their own records as provided for in this article and to cooperate in the correction of the central center records and those of contributing agencies when their accuracy has been successfully challenged either through the related contributing agencies or by court order issued on behalf of the individual;
(13) Institute the necessary measures in the design, implementation, and continued operation of the criminal justice information system to ensure the privacy and security of the system. This will include establishing complete control over use and access of the system and restricting its integral resources and facilities to those either possessed or procured and controlled by criminal justice agencies as defined in this article. Such security measures must meet standards to be set by the council as well as those set by the nationally operated systems for interstate sharing of information;
(14) Provide availability, by means of data processing, to files listing motor vehicle drivers' license numbers, motor vehicle registration numbers, wanted and stolen motor vehicles, outstanding warrants, identifiable stolen property, and such other files as may be of general assistance to criminal justice agencies; and
(15) Receive and process fingerprints from the Supreme Court of Georgia Office of Bar Admissions for the purpose of determining whether or not an applicant for admission to the State Bar of Georgia has a criminal record. The processing shall include submission of fingerprints to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for comparison to each of their respective files and data bases.
(b) Criminal justice agencies shall furnish upon written request and without charge to any local fire department in this state a copy, processed under purpose code "E", of the criminal history record information of an applicant for employment.
(c) The provisions of this article notwithstanding, information and records of children shall only be inspected and disclosed as provided in Code Sections 15-11-82 and 15-11-83. Such records and information shall be destroyed according to the procedures outlined in Code Sections 15-11-79.2 and 15-11-81.