§ 36-82-21 - Petition to superior court to show cause; service of petition and order; answers
O.C.G.A. 36-82-21 (2010)
36-82-21. Petition to superior court to show cause; service of petition and order; answers
(a) Within 20 days from the date of the service upon the district attorney or the Attorney General of notice of the fact that an election was held or a resolution passed and that the election or resolution was in favor of the issuance of the bonds, the district attorney or the Attorney General shall prepare and file a petition in the office of the clerk of the superior court of the county in which the election was held or the resolution was passed, directed to the superior court of the county, in the name of the state, and against the county, municipality, or political subdivision desiring to issue bonds under the election or resolution. The petition shall set forth the service of the notice, the name of the county, municipality, or political subdivision seeking to issue the bonds, the principal amount of the bonds to be issued, the purpose for which the bonds are issued, the interest rate or rates which the bonds are to bear, and the amount of principal to be paid in each year during the life of the bonds and shall state that the election or resolution is prima facie in favor of the issuance of the bonds. The petition, in lieu of specifying the rate or rates of interest which the bonds are to bear, may set forth the wording which was used with respect to interest in the notice which was published calling the election to authorize the issuance of the bonds. The district attorney or the Attorney General shall obtain, from the judge of the court, an order requiring the county, municipality, or political subdivision, by its proper officers, to appear at such time and place, either in term or at chambers, within 20 days from the filing of the petition, as the judge of the court may direct, and to show cause, if any exists, why the bonds should not be confirmed and validated. The petition and order shall be served in the manner provided by law for the service of petitions upon counties, municipalities, or political subdivisions. The officers of the county, municipality, or political subdivision shall make sworn answers to such petition at or before the date set in the order for the hearing.
(b) Within 20 days from the date of the service upon the district attorney or the Attorney General of notice of the fact that a resolution or ordinance was adopted by the governing body of the county, municipality, or other political subdivision authorizing the issuance of refunding bonds, the district attorney or the Attorney General shall prepare and file a petition in the office of the clerk of the superior court of the county in which the county, municipality, or other political subdivision desiring to issue refunding bonds is located, directed to the superior court of the county, in the name of the state, and against the county, municipality, or political subdivision desiring to issue refunding bonds under the resolution or ordinance. The petition shall set forth the service of the notice, the name of the county, municipality, or political subdivision seeking to issue the refunding bonds, the maximum principal amount of the refunding bonds to be issued, the interest rate or rates which the bonds are to bear, and also setting forth the principal amount of outstanding bonded indebtedness to be refunded, the amount of principal to be paid in each year over the remaining life of the bonds to be refunded, the interest rate or rates per annum said outstanding bonds which are to be refunded bear and a certified copy of the resolution or ordinance so adopted authorizing the issuance of the refunding bonds shall be attached to the petition and made a part thereof. The petition, in lieu of specifying the rate or rates of interest which the refunding bonds are to bear, may state that the refunding bonds when issued will bear interest at a rate or rates not exceeding a maximum rate per annum. The district attorney or the Attorney General shall obtain, from the judge of the court, an order requiring the county, municipality, or political subdivision, by its proper officers, to appear at such time and place, either in term or at chambers, within 20 days from the filing of the petition, as the judge of the court may direct, and to show cause, if any exists, why the refunding bonds should not be confirmed and validated. The petition and order shall be served in the manner provided by law for the service of petitions upon counties, municipalities, or political subdivisions. The officers of the county, municipality, or political subdivision shall make sworn answers to such petition at or before the date set in the order for the hearing.