§ 46-8-334 - Purchase, mortgage, transfer, or disposal of capital stock, bonds, or other indebtedness; acquisition of property, rights, and franchises
O.C.G.A. 46-8-334 (2010)
46-8-334. Purchase, mortgage, transfer, or disposal of capital stock, bonds, or other indebtedness; acquisition of property, rights, and franchises
By vote of a majority of the outstanding capital stock, any corporation formed under the laws of this state for the purpose of operating by electricity a street railroad, suburban railroad, or interurban railroad, or for the purpose of generating electricity, may guaranty; purchase or otherwise acquire; own; hold; mortgage; pledge; sell; assign; and transfer or otherwise dispose of all of its capital stock, bonds, securities, or other evidence of indebtedness and may issue its bonds and stock in payment thereof. Any electric railroad corporation organized under the laws of this or any adjacent state for the purpose of connecting its railroad, constructed or about to be constructed, with any railroad constructed by any other electric railroad company, or for the purpose of obtaining motive power for its operation, may acquire, by lease, purchase, merger, or consolidation, the property, rights, and franchises of any other electric railroad corporation, or of any corporation formed for the purpose of generating electricity, organized under the laws of this or any adjacent state; and any railroad or electric corporation organized under the laws of this state is authorized in any such case to dispose, in like manner, of its property, rights and franchises. No act shall be deemed authorized under this Code section which is inhibited by any provision of the Constitution of Georgia or by any provision of the Constitution or statutes of the United States, or which has the effect or is intended to have the effect of defeating or lessening competition or of encouraging monopoly.