§ 50-2-23.2 - Concurrent jurisdiction over lands of the National Infantry Museum; limits to concurrent jurisdiction; cession of concurrent jurisdiction; state laws and regulations not preempted
O.C.G.A. 50-2-23.2 (2010)
50-2-23.2. Concurrent jurisdiction over lands of the National Infantry Museum; limits to concurrent jurisdiction; cession of concurrent jurisdiction; state laws and regulations not preempted
(a) The consent of the State of Georgia is given to the cession of concurrent jurisdiction to the United States of America over lands within the boundaries of the State of Georgia which are owned by the National Infantry Foundation and which are incorporated into and used for the operation of the National Infantry Museum in Columbus, Georgia, or over which such jurisdiction is necessary for the effective administration and management of such museum, specifically including the following described territory:
All that certain tract of land containing 90.63 acres located in Land Lots 37, 54, 55, 59 and 60 of the 7th Land District, Columbus, Muscogee County, Georgia, and being more particularly described as follows according to the survey by Barrett & McPherson, Inc., Engineers & Land Surveyors of Eufaula, Alabama:
Starting at an iron pin at the intersection of the West right of way of Fort Benning Boulevard and the North line of Land Lot 37 of the 7th Land District of Muscogee County, Georgia, being a point on the boundary of the Fort Benning Military Reservation, go along the North line of said Land Lot 37 and the boundary of the Fort Benning Military Reservation North 88 degrees 47 minutes 39 seconds West 12.45 feet to a concrete monument which lies 50 feet West of the centerline of the Southbound lane of Fort Benning Boulevard, as measured at right angles thereto, thence continue along the North line of Land Lot 37 and the boundary of the Fort Benning Military Reservation North 88 degrees 47 minutes 39 seconds West 401.06 feet to a railroad rail iron stake at the Northeast corner of that certain tract of land conveyed by the United States of America to the City of Columbus, Georgia by Quit Claim Deed dated 25 August, 1975 and recorded in Deed Book 1563 at pages 373, et seq., in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia, also being the POINT of BEGINNING; thence along the East and South lines of said tract of land Quit Claimed to the City of Columbus, Georgia the following courses: South 20 degrees 37 minutes 05 seconds West 936.78 feet to an iron pin; South 20 degrees 36 minutes 04 seconds West 2493.94 feet to an iron pin; South 20 degrees 35 minutes 16 seconds West 770.61 feet; a curve, concave Easterly, having a radius of 5786.81 feet, an arc length of 2568.74 feet, and a chord of South 07 degrees 52 minutes 16 seconds West 2547.70 feet to an iron pin; South 04 degrees 49 minutes 11 seconds East 207.24 feet to an iron pin; a curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 3611.86 feet, an arc length of 17.47 feet, and a chord of South 04 degrees 40 minutes 52 seconds East 17.47 feet to an iron pin; a curve, concave Northwesterly, having a radius of 596.89 feet, an arc length of 696.09 feet, and a chord of South 58 degrees 38 minutes 25 seconds West 657.31 feet to an iron pin; thence North 87 degrees 57 minutes 02 seconds West 156.25 feet to an iron pin 50 feet East of the centerline of South Lumpkin Road, as measured at right angle thereto; thence along a line 50 feet East of the centerline of South Lumpkin Road, as measured at right angles thereto, the following courses: a curve, concave Southeasterly, having a radius of 3798.62 feet, an arc length of 329.36 feet. and a chord of North 07 degrees 58 minutes 57 seconds East 329.25 feet to an iron pin; North 10 degrees 31 minutes 29 seconds East 1115.76 feet to an iron pin; a curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 5791.07 feet, an arc length of 625.22 feet, and a chord of North 07 degrees 25 minutes 55 seconds East 624.91 feet to an iron pin; North 04 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds East 2587.34 feet to an iron pin; a curve, concave Westerly, having a radius of 11178.19 feet, an arc length of 613.36 feet, and a chord of North 02 degrees 46 minutes 01 seconds East 613.29 feet to an iron pin; North 01 degree 14 minutes 08 seconds East 26.19 feet to an iron pin at the Southwest corner of that certain 60.05 acre tract of land conveyed by the United States of America to Bickerstaff Clay Products Company, Inc. by Exchange Deed recorded in Deed Book 4159 at pages 213, et seq., in the Office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Muscogee County, Georgia; thence along the South and East lines of said tract of land conveyed to Bickerstaff Clay Products Company, Inc. the following courses: South 88 degrees 46 minutes 21 seconds East 1140.02 feet to an iron pin; North 20 degrees 37 minutes 20 seconds East 1021.08 feet to an iron pin; North 20 degrees 36 minutes 33 seconds East 884.18 feet to an iron pipe on the aforementioned North line of Land Lot 37; thence along the North line of Land Lot 37 South 88 degrees 44 minutes 49 seconds East 158.99 feet to the POINT of BEGINNING.
(b) Such concurrent jurisdiction granted to the United States of America by this Code section shall be limited to the provision of law enforcement services, security, and fire protection; the enforcement of applicable laws, rules, regulations, and ordinances of the state, the United States, and Columbus, Georgia; the trial of offenses and ordinance violations in the courts the United States, the State of Georgia, and Columbus, Georgia; and to such additional matters as may be the subject of the written agreement provided for in subsection (c) of this Code section.
(c) Cession of concurrent jurisdiction shall be effected by means of negotiation and execution of an agreement between the Governor on behalf of the state, the commanding general of the United States Army Infantry Center at Fort Benning, the governing authority of Columbus, Georgia, and the governing board of the National Infantry Foundation or any successor owner or operator of the National Infantry Museum and the property on which it is located. Any jurisdiction not specifically ceded in any such agreement is reserved to the state. Cession of such concurrent jurisdiction as is ceded by the state in any such agreement shall become effective upon the acceptance by the United States indicated in writing upon the instrument of cession by the authorized official or officials of the United States.
(d) Nothing contained in this Code section or in any instrument executed pursuant to it shall be construed as consent either to the preemption of any of the laws and regulations of this state or to the exemption of any lands from regulation pursuant to the laws and regulations of this state to the extent such lands are subject thereto. No provision of this Code section or any instrument executed pursuant to this Code section shall be construed as a limitation or restriction upon the power, right, and authority of the General Assembly to enact laws and authorize the promulgation of regulations.