16-101. Legislative findings. The legislature finds that there is an urgent and substantial need:
(1) To enhance the development of all infants and toddlers with disabilities in the state of Idaho in order to minimize developmental delay, and to maximize individual potential for adult independence;
(2) To enhance the capacity of families to meet the special needs of their infants and toddlers with disabilities;
(3) To reduce the educational costs by minimizing the need for special education and related services after infants and toddlers with disabilities reach school age;
(4) To reduce social services costs and to minimize the likelihood of institutionalization of individuals with disabilities;
(5) To reduce the health costs of preventable secondary impairments and disabilities by screening and monitoring children at risk and improving the long term health of infants and toddlers with disabilities; and
(6) To comply with federal law as it pertains to services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.