16-109. Individualized family service plan. (1) Infants and toddlers receiving early intervention services and their families shall receive the following:
(a) A comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation of the strengths and needs of the infant or toddler and the family, and the identification of services to meet such needs;
(b) An explanation of the multidisciplinary evaluation and all service options in the family’s native language or through an interpreter, if necessary; and
(c) A written individualized family service plan developed by a multidisciplinary team with the parents as fully participating members of the team.
(2) The individualized family service plan shall be developed within a reasonable time following the completed evaluation required in subsection (1) of this section. With the parent’s consent, development of an interim individualized family service plan and compliance with evaluation timelines, early intervention services may commence prior to the completion of such assessment.
(3) The individualized family service plan shall be in writing and a copy of the plan shall be made available to the family, and in the family’s native language when appropriate and necessary to ensure understanding, and shall contain the following:
(a) A statement of the infant’s or toddler’s present levels of physical development, cognitive development, communication, language and speech development, psychosocial development, sensory impairment and self-help skills based on objective criteria;
(b) A statement of the family’s strengths and needs related to enhancing the development of the infant or toddler with disabilities, developed with concurrence of the family;
(c) A statement of the goals and objectives expected to be achieved for the infant or toddler and the family, including the criteria, procedures, and time lines used to determine the degree to which progress toward achieving the outcomes is being made, and whether modifications or revisions of the outcomes or services are necessary;
(d) A statement of specific early intervention services necessary to meet the individual needs of the infant or toddler with disabilities and the family; such statement should include the frequency, intensity and the method of delivering these services;
(e) A statement of the health status, and medical needs of the infant or toddler and family to support the development of the child, and the names of the health care providers;
(f) The projected dates for initiation of services and the anticipated duration of such services;
(g) The name of the case manager who will be responsible for the implementation of the plan and coordination with other agencies and persons; and
(h) The steps to be taken in supporting the transition of the infant or toddler to other services.
(4) The individualized family service plan shall serve as the singular comprehensive service plan for all agencies involved in providing early intervention services to the infant or toddler and the family.
(5) The individualized family service plan shall be evaluated once a year and the family shall be provided a review of the plan at six (6) months intervals or more frequently where appropriate based on the needs of the infant or toddler and the family.