18-101A. Definitions. As used in titles 18, 19 and 20, Idaho Code, and elsewhere in the Idaho Code, unless otherwise specifically provided or unless the context clearly indicates or requires otherwise, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
(1) "Correctional facility" means a facility for the confinement of prisoners or juvenile offenders. The term shall be construed to include references to terms including, but not limited to, "prison," "state prison," "state penitentiary," "governmental detention facility," "penal institution (facility)," "correctional institution," "juvenile correctional center," "Idaho security medical program," "detention institution (facility)," "juvenile detention center (facility)," "county jail," "jail," "private prison (facility)," "private correctional facility," or those facilities that detain juvenile offenders pursuant to a contract with the Idaho department of juvenile corrections.
(2) "In-state prisoner" means any person who has been charged with or convicted of a crime in the state of Idaho or who is being detained pursuant to a court order, and
(a) Who is being housed in any state, local or private correctional facility, or
(b) Who is being transported in any manner within or through the state of Idaho.
(3) "Local correctional facility" means a facility for the confinement of prisoners operated by or under the control of a county or city. The term shall include references to "county jail," or "jail." The term shall also include a private correctional facility housing prisoners under the custody of the state board of correction, the county sheriff or other local law enforcement agency.
(4) "Out-of-state prisoner" or "out-of-state inmate" means any person who is convicted of and sentenced for a crime in a state other than the state of Idaho, or under the laws of the United States or other foreign jurisdiction, and
(a) Who is being housed in any state, local or private correctional facility in the state of Idaho, or
(b) Who is being transported in any manner within or through the state of Idaho.
(5) "Parolee" means a person who has been convicted of a felony and who has been placed on parole by the Idaho commission for pardons and parole or similar body of another state, the United States, or a foreign jurisdiction, and who is not incarcerated in any state, local or private correctional facility, and who is being supervised by employees of the Idaho department of correction.
(6) "Prisoner" means a person who has been convicted of a crime in the state of Idaho or who is being detained pursuant to a court order, or who is convicted of and sentenced for a crime in a state other than the state of Idaho, or under the laws of the United States or other foreign jurisdiction, and
(a) Who is being housed in any state, local or private correctional facility, or
(b) Who is being transported in any manner within or through the state of Idaho.
The term shall be construed to include references to terms including, but not limited to, "inmate," "convict," "detainee," and other similar terms, and shall include "out-of-state prisoner" and "out-of-state inmate."
(7) "Private correctional facility" or "private prison (facility)" means a correctional facility constructed or operated in the state of Idaho by a private prison contractor.
(8) "Private prison contractor" means any person, organization, partnership, joint venture, corporation or other business entity engaged in the site selection, design, design/building, acquisition, construction, construction/management, financing, maintenance, leasing, leasing/purchasing, management or operation of private correctional facilities or any combination of these services.
(9) "Probationer" means a person who has been placed on felony probation by an Idaho court, or a court of another state, the United States, or a foreign jurisdiction, and who is not incarcerated in any state, local or private correctional facility, and who is being supervised by employees of the Idaho department of correction.
(10) "State correctional facility" means a facility for the confinement of prisoners, owned or operated by or under the control of the state of Idaho. The term shall include references to "state prison," "state penitentiary" or "state penal institution (facility)." The term shall also include a private correctional facility housing prisoners under the custody of the board of correction.
(11) "Supervising officer" means an employee of the Idaho department of correction who is charged with or whose duties include supervision of felony parolees or felony probationers.
(12) "Juvenile offender" means a person younger than eighteen (18) years of age or who was younger than eighteen (18) years of age at the time of any act, omission, or status for which the person is being detained in a correctional facility pursuant to court order.