18-101B. Criminal laws applicable to out-of-state prisoners and personnel of private correctional facilities. (1) An out-of-state prisoner and personnel of a private prison contractor employed at a private correctional facility in the state of Idaho shall be subject to all criminal laws of the state of Idaho.
(2) Any offense which would be a criminal act if committed by an in-state prisoner housed in a state, local or private correctional facility, or in custody during transport within or through the state of Idaho, including escape from such facility or during transport, and any penalty for such offense, shall apply in all respects to an out-of-state prisoner.
(3) Any offense which would be a criminal act if committed by an officer, employee or agent of a state or local correctional facility, and any penalty for such offense, shall apply in all respects to the officers, employees and agents of a private correctional facility located in the state of Idaho.