18-1358. Selling political indorsement -- Special influence. (1) Selling political indorsement. A person commits a misdemeanor if he solicits, receives, agrees to receive, or agrees that any political party or other person shall receive any pecuniary benefit as consideration for approval or disapproval of an appointment or advancement in public service, or for approval or disapproval of any person or transaction for any benefit conferred by an official or agency of the government. "Approval" includes recommendations, failure to disapprove, or any other manifestation of favor or acquiescence. "Disapproval" includes failure to approve, or any other manifestation of disfavor or nonacquiescence.
(2) Other trading in special influence. A person commits a misdemeanor if he solicits, receives or agrees to receive any pecuniary benefit as consideration for exerting special influence upon a public servant or procuring another to do so. "Special influence" means power to influence through kinship, friendship, or other relationship apart from the merits of the transaction.
(3) Paying for indorsement or special influence. A person commits a misdemeanor if he offers, confers or agrees to confer any pecuniary benefit, receipt of which is prohibited by this section.