18-1506A. Ritualized abuse of a child -- Exclusions -- Penalties -- Definition. (1) A person is guilty of a felony when he commits any of the following acts with, upon, or in the presence of a child as part of a ceremony, rite or any similar observance:
(a) Actually or in simulation, tortures, mutilates or sacrifices any warm-blooded animal or human being;
(b) Forces ingestion, injection or other application of any narcotic, drug, hallucinogen or anaesthetic for the purpose of dulling sensitivity, cognition, recollection of, or resistance to any criminal activity;
(c) Forces ingestion, or external application, of human or animal urine, feces, flesh, blood, bones, body secretions, nonprescribed drugs or chemical compounds;
(d) Involves the child in a mock, unauthorized or unlawful marriage ceremony with another person or representation of any force or deity, followed by sexual contact with the child;
(e) Places a living child into a coffin or open grave containing a human corpse or remains;
(f) Threatens death or serious harm to a child, his parents, family, pets or friends which instills a well-founded fear in the child that the threat will be carried out; or
(g) Unlawfully dissects, mutilates, or incinerates a human corpse.
(2) The provisions of this section shall not be construed to apply to:
(a) Lawful agricultural, animal husbandry, food preparation or wild game hunting and fishing practices and specifically the branding or identification of livestock;
(b) The lawful medical practice of circumcision or any ceremony related thereto; or
(c) Any state or federally approved, licensed or funded research project.
(3) Any person convicted of a violation of this section shall be imprisoned in the state prison for a term of not more than life.
(4) For the purposes of this section, "child" means any person under eighteen (18) years of age.