18-4102. Affirmative defense. It is not innocent but calculated purveyance which is prohibited. This act shall not apply to any persons who may possess or distribute obscene matter or participate in conduct otherwise proscribed by this act when such possession, distribution, or conduct occurs:
(A) within the scope of employment of law enforcement and judicial activities; or
(B) within the scope of employment of bona fide school, college, university, museum or public library activities or within the scope of employment of such an organization or a retail outlet affiliated with and serving the educational purposes of such an organization; or
(C) within the scope of employment as a moving picture machine operator, assistant operator, usher, or ticket taker in a motion picture theater in connection with a motion picture film or show exhibited in such theater, if such operator or assistant operator has no financial interest in the motion picture theater wherein he is so employed other than his wages received or owed, and such person consents to give testimony regarding such employment in all judicial proceedings brought under this act, when granted immunity by the trial judge; or
(D) under like circumstances of justification where the possession, distribution or conduct possesses serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value.
If this issue is not presented by the prosecution’s evidence, the defendant may raise the same as an affirmative defense by presenting some evidence thereon. Where raised, the prosecution must sustain the burden of proving the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt as to that issue.