18-4305. Interference with headgate -- Cutting banks of stream. If any obstruction shall be wilfully and maliciously placed on any overflow gauge in any stream of water which is used for irrigation and is under control of a water master, and such obstruction retards or impedes the free overflow of the water of such stream, thereby increasing the pressure against a headgate through which water is diverted by means of such dam, or if any headgate regulated by a water master shall be removed, broken, injured or interfered with so as to disturb the distribution of the water as regulated by the water master, or if any bank of the natural stream, the water of which is being used for irrigation and is being distributed by a water master, shall be cut away so as to increase the flow of water from such stream, thereby interfering with the distribution of the water as regulated by a water master, the person or persons so interrupting the flow of said water as aforesaid, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.