18-4307. Injury to measuring devices. Any person or persons who shall cut, break, injure, destroy, enlarge, change, or alter any headgate, sluiceway, weir, water box, or other measuring device, the property of any irrigation district, corporation or association of persons, or in the possession of, or in the use of, said irrigation district, corporation, or association, or the property of another, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
Any person or persons who shall change, alter, destroy, disturb, enlarge, or interfere with any headgate, dam, weir, water box, or other measuring device, made, placed, used or regulated by any duly appointed, elected, or authorized water master, deputy water master, ditch walker, ditch rider, engineer, or other authorized agent of any irrigation company, corporation or association or person, when said measuring device is being used or is to be used for the measurement of water, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.