22-2316. Misrepresentation of nursery stock by grower, dealer, or agent prohibited -- Tags or labels required on fruit trees -- Nursery or florist stock as horticultural product. (1) No grower, dealer, or agent shall:
(a) Sell nursery or florist stock representing it to be a name, age, or variety different from what the nursery or florist stock actually is; or
(b) Represent that any nursery or florist stock is a new variety when, in fact, it is a standard variety and has been given a new name; or
(c) Sell or present cormels as corms or bulblets as bulbs.
(2) In addition the grower, dealer, or agent shall attach to every bundle of fruit-bearing trees sold or shipped within this state a tag or label specifying the name of the variety of trees contained therein. If the bundle shall contain trees of different varieties, such label or tag shall be attached to each tree or group of trees of the same variety.