22-2512. Penalty for violations. (1) Any person who violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or be imprisoned in the county jail for not less than three (3) months nor more than twelve (12) months or be subject to both such fine and imprisonment.
(2) Any person who violates or fails to comply with any of the provisions of this chapter or any rules promulgated under this chapter may be assessed a civil penalty by the department or its duly authorized agent of not more than one hundred dollars ($100) for each offense and shall be liable for reasonable attorney’s fees. Assessment of a civil penalty may be made in conjunction with any other department administrative action. No civil penalty may be assessed unless the person charged was given notice and opportunity for a hearing pursuant to the Idaho administrative procedure act. If the department is unable to collect such penalty or if any person fails to pay all or a set portion of the civil penalty as determined by the department, it may recover such amount by action in the appropriate district court. Any person against whom the department has assessed a civil penalty under the provisions of this section may, within thirty (30) days of the final action by the agency making the assessment, appeal the assessment to the district court of the county in which the violation is alleged by the department to have occurred. Moneys collected for violation of a rule shall be remitted to the agricultural inspection account.
(3) Any bees, colonies, equipment or hives, imported into this state by a nonresident person, in violation of any provision of this chapter shall be subject to seizure by the department. Any bees, colonies, equipment or hives found on any property without the permission of the landowner or not identified with the owner’s name, address, phone and registration numbers or found to be in violation of this chapter or rules adopted by the department, shall also be subject to seizure by the department. Any bees, colonies, equipment or hives not claimed and brought into compliance with the provisions of this chapter within ninety (90) days from the date of seizure may be sold at public auction by a sealed bid.
(4) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as requiring the director to report minor violations for prosecution when he believes that the public interest will be best served by suitable warnings or other administrative action.