22-4404. Powers and duties. The powers and duties of the commission shall include the following:
(1) To contract in the name of the commission and be contracted with, to sue and be sued;
(2) To appoint, employ, prescribe duties, fix compensation, and at its pleasure discharge, all necessary agents, employees, professional personnel and other personnel, including experts in aquaculture and the publicizing of products;
(3) To keep books, records, and accounts of all its dealings, including minutes of commission meetings;
(4) To establish an office or offices, to incur expenses, and to create liabilities as reasonable for the proper administration of the commission;
(5) To determine new markets for aquaculture products, to conduct promotional activities relating to the national and international use of aquaculture products;
(6) To provide and to publicize reliable information relating to the value of aquaculture products determined to be useful and profitable;
(7) To conduct research, and to investigate and study problems relative to the industry;
(8) To promote and protect the sale of aquaculture products;
(9) To cooperate with agencies of this state, other states and the federal government, engaged in similar work to that of the commission and enter into agreements or contracts with such agencies;
(10) To adopt, amend and rescind rules in conjunction with the exercise of its powers and duties pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.