31-1424. Duties of county commissioners. The board of county commissioners, at the time of making the annual county levies, shall make a levy upon all the taxable property not exempt from taxation within each district within the county in the same amount as the levy made by the board of commissioners of each fire protection district, and shall certify such levy or levies to the county auditor, and said auditor shall extend such levy on the rolls of the county, as other county taxes are extended; such special taxes so levied, as aforesaid, shall constitute a lien upon the property so assessed and shall be due and payable at the same time and in all respects are to be collected in the same manner as the state and county taxes, except that the tax collector must keep a separate list thereof and must list said tax in his receipt to the taxpayers and must pay to the county treasurer as he pays other taxes, specify to the treasurer what taxes they are and take a separate receipt therefor, and keep separate accounts thereof.