31-1431. Contracts between fire protection districts and individual property owners outside of district. Fire protection districts subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth may, pursuant to the discretion of the fire protection board, contract with individual property owners whose property is situated outside of the external boundaries of the fire protection district within the state of Idaho or within any neighboring state to provide for the same measure of fire protection to such contracting property owner as is provided to property owners within the boundaries of such contracting fire protection districts. All such contracts shall be for a term of one (1) year and shall commence at 12:01 a.m. on January 1 of such year and expire at 12 midnight on December 31 of such year. Contracts shall provide for a monetary consideration to be paid in advance by such property owner and the monetary consideration shall be based upon the cost of providing such service to such property owner, including, but not limited to, covering the district’s administrative and contract preparation costs, including legal fees for preparation and review of the contracts, and shall also take into consideration the distance between such property and the fire station or other facility wherein the firefighting equipment of such fire protection district is kept. Monetary consideration shall in no event be less than the amount that would have been paid in taxes that would have been levied and assessed under the provisions of this chapter, if such property had been included within the boundaries of said fire protection district. The power herein granted is subject to the limitation that no such contract may be entered into with any property owner whose house and outbuildings are situate further distant from the firehouse or other facility wherein such district’s fire protection equipment is kept than the point on the external boundary of such district that is furthest distant from the firehouse or other facility wherein such district’s fire protection equipment is kept. Provided further, however, that all of the contiguous lands of any contracting property owner must be included in said contract unless a portion of such property owner’s lands are further distant from the firehouse where such district’s firefighting equipment is kept than the point on the external boundary of such fire protection district that is furthest distant from the firehouse, in which case such portion of said lands must be excluded. For the purpose of determining value of eligible property situate outside the state of Idaho, the board of commissioners of such fire protection district shall determine as nearly as possible what the assessed value of such lands outside the state of Idaho would be if the same were situate within the state of Idaho.