31-3610. Rules and regulations for operation of hospital property -- Hospital staff. The county hospital board shall have power to formulate and adopt such rules and regulations for the conduct and operation of the hospital property as it may deem necessary or convenient for the efficient, economical and successful operation thereof, and which rules and regulations when approved by the board of county commissioners shall be in full force and effect. It shall be the duty of the county hospital board to formulate and adopt such changes, additions, modifications and rescissions of the rules and regulations as it may find or deem necessary or convenient for the efficient, economical and successful operation of the hospital property, which changes, additions, modifications and rescissions when approved by the board of county commissioners shall be in full force and effect.
Such rules and regulations may, as a part thereof, establish a standard or standards upon which persons will be admitted to the hospital staff of physicians and surgeons; provide procedure and requirements for application and admission to such staff; provide procedure and causes for the removal of any person or persons from such staff; provide for the making of, inspection, study and review of reports upon cases which are or have been in the hospital property; and any and all such other matters and things as may be required to bring and keep the hospital property and its operations to the standard required for accrediting and acceptance under the hospital licensure requirements of the state of Idaho and, if the board deems it appropriate, under accreditation standards of the joint commission on the accreditation of hospitals.