33-102. Membership -- Appointment -- Term of office -- Qualifications -- Place of office. The state board of education shall consist of the state superintendent of public instruction, who shall be an ex officio voting member and who shall serve as executive secretary of the board for all elementary and secondary school matters, and seven (7) members appointed by the governor, each for a term of five (5) years. Annually on the first day of March the governor shall appoint members to fill the board positions for which the terms of office have expired. The governor shall, by appointment, fill any vacancy on the board, such appointment to be for the unexpired term of the retiring member. Appointment to the board shall be made solely upon consideration of the ability of such appointees efficiently to serve the interests of the people, and education, without reference to locality, occupation, party affiliation or religion. Any person appointed to said board shall have been a resident of the state for not less than three (3) years prior to the date of appointment; and shall qualify and assume the duties in accordance with laws governing similar appointments to, and qualifications for, office on other state boards. All appointments of members to the state board of education made after the effective date of this act must be confirmed by the senate.
Members of the state board of education holding office on the effective date of this act shall continue in office for the balance of the term to which they were appointed.
The state board shall have and maintain its office in Ada county.