33-1002G. Professional-technical school added cost units. School districts may establish professional-technical schools that qualify for funding appropriated for the specific purpose of supporting the added cost of professional-technical schools. These funds will be appropriated to the state board for professional-technical education, to be expended by the division of professional-technical education. The amount of the professional-technical school added cost unit would be calculated as an additional .33 secondary units based on full-time equivalent average daily attendance at an approved professional-technical school. In order for a school to qualify for funding as a professional-technical school, it must make application to the division of professional-technical education on or before the first Friday in July for the following fiscal year. For fiscal year 1999, applications must be made by May 1. All school programs must have a professional-technical component and meet at least four (4) of the five (5) following criteria:
(1) The school serves students from two (2) or more high school attendance zones with a minimum of fifteen percent (15%) of the total student body residing in attendance zones apart from the attendance zone of the majority of students.
(2) The school offers a majority of its class offerings as dual credit opportunities in conjunction with an accredited institution of higher education.
(3) All school programs involve at least one (1) supervised field experience.
(4) The school is administered and funded as a distinct school separate from schools that qualify for computation as regular secondary support units.
(5) The school is to be located at a separate site from regular high school facilities.
Hardship exemptions for the separate site requirement may be granted by the state board of education.
For funding purposes, students in attendance at a qualifying professional-technical school will be reported in full or half days. The state board of education will develop rules that will determine funding in instances where students attend a professional-technical school on a regular basis, but in increments of time that total less than 2.5 hours per day.