33-1003C. Special application -- Technological instruction. In order to acquire and maintain technology for individualized computer and/or distance learning programs, a school district may use students’ documented contact hours on individualized computer education or distance learning programs in determining the district’s average daily attendance, whether the student is actually in the computer lab or distance learning center, or has logged on to the computer from another location. A district’s technology instruction programs shall be subject to the following provisions:
(1) The certification requirements for an alternative school using the individualized computer education or distance learning program may be met by having a properly certificated teacher available on a consultant tutorial basis. The consultant tutors will be available by telephone, fax, e-mail, or in person at the school site on a daily basis.
(2) Districts claiming average daily attendance pursuant to this section shall submit annual evaluations of the program to the state board of education.
(3) Districts may offer individualized computer education or distance learning programs on a calendar which may differ from the rest of the district’s instruction, but in no case may a district claim more average daily attendance for a student than the full-time equivalency of a regular term of attendance for a single student.
(4) Nonalternative high school students may receive individualized computer education or distance learning instruction and credit through an alternative school site.