33-1279. Released time for service on state committees and commission. (1) Each certificated employee of any school district, including specially chartered districts, shall be entitled to and be allowed released time for service on committees and commissions established by the state of Idaho, or established by the legislature, or established by any of the departments or agencies of the state of Idaho.
Each certificated employee shall be entitled to five (5) such days of released time, and time beyond five (5) days shall be allowed at the discretion of the board of trustees.
(2) No such certificated employee shall lose any salary or other benefits because of such released time for service on any such committee or commission and shall not be required to make up any released time spent in serving on any such committee or commission; except that the amount of any honorarium or compensation received for service on committees or commissions, except actual and necessary expenses, shall be deducted from salary otherwise due such certificated employee.