33-1615. Extended year reading intervention program. The board of trustees of each school district shall establish an extended year state board approved reading program for students identified as below grade level on reading assessments in kindergarten through grade three (3). The program shall be the equivalent of forty (40) hours of instruction. Subject to an amount appropriated, instructional costs of the extended year reading intervention program shall be reimbursed by the state, with the exception of transportation which shall be reimbursed at an amount not to exceed thirty dollars ($30.00) per student per session. For the purpose of program reimbursement, the state department of education shall adopt reporting forms, establish reporting dates, and adopt such additional guidelines and standards as necessary to accomplish the program goals that every child will read fluently and comprehend printed text on grade level by the end of the third grade. Districts shall apply for an intervention program reimbursement based on a reporting procedure developed and administered by the state department of education. Intervention program participation and effectiveness by school and district shall be presented annually to the state board, the legislature and the governor.