33-1621. program participants. [effective until july 1, 2016.] (1) No more than twenty-one (21) school districts and no more than three (3) charter schools may participate in the program. Participating districts shall be determined through an application process established by the state department of education.
(2) The program shall be divided into three (3) geographical regions of the state in the following manner:
(a) Region I shall be comprised of Idaho high school activities association regions I and II;
(b) Region II shall be comprised of Idaho high school activities association region III; and
(c) Region III shall be comprised of Idaho high school activities association regions IV, V and VI.
(3) Participating school districts shall reflect the disparate sizes of school districts within this state. Participating school districts shall be selected in the following manner:
(a) Any school district and any charter school desiring to participate in the program shall submit an application to the state department of education by September 1, 2010. Such application shall be developed by the state department of education and shall be made available to the state's school districts and charter schools by July 15, 2010. From the applicants, the department shall select:
(i) Three (3) school districts, one (1) from each program region, that have grades 1-12 enrollment of more than seven thousand (7,000) students;
(ii) Six (6) school districts, two (2) from each program region, that have grades 1-12 enrollment of between four thousand (4,000) and six thousand nine hundred ninety-nine (6,999) students;
(iii) Six (6) school districts, two (2) from each program region, that have grades 1-12 enrollment of between one thousand (1,000) and three thousand nine hundred ninety-nine (3,999) students;
(iv) Six (6) school districts, two (2) from each program region, that have grades 1-12 enrollment of less than one thousand (1,000) students; and
(v) Three (3) charter schools, one (1) from each program region.
(b) The state department of education shall notify selected program applicants by December 1, 2010.
(c) School districts and charter schools selected for the program will be expected to participate for the full six (6) years of the program. Provided however, that any school district or charter school selected for the program may request to the state department of education to opt out of the program. The department may grant such request at its discretion.
(4) No participating school district shall be required to implement the program on a districtwide basis. It shall be left to the discretion of each participating district to determine which schools in the district shall participate.