33-2617. Finance of regional systems -- Budgets -- Participating and nonparticipating units. Each regional system may be financed by any combination of available funds, federal, state, local, public and/or private. Counties, cities and library districts are hereby authorized and empowered to join in the creation, development, operation and maintenance of regional systems, and to appropriate and allocate funds for the support of such systems. All funds collected or contributed for the support of each regional system shall be controlled and administered under the direction of the system board, following procedures outlined in the library district statutes, and as directed by the board of library commissioners.
(1) Participating Units. Participating boards shall continue to control the funds appropriated or contributed for the support of the participating libraries, but may expend all or any part thereof for library services to be furnished by the regional system. Each participating board shall prepare its own annual budget as required by the Idaho Code, and said budget may include anticipated revenues or expenditures for regional system services. Tax levies made pursuant to each such budget shall be certified as provided by law.
(2) System Budget. Each system board shall prepare a preliminary budget for the system for the coming year, and shall by the last day of April forward said budget to the boards of participating libraries. This budget shall be published, and a hearing held thereon before the last day of May.
(3) Nonparticipating Areas. The system board shall also prepare a list of those areas within each county of the library region wherein public libraries, library districts, school-community libraries, or association libraries are not maintained as authorized in the Idaho Code. Such lists shall be forwarded to the board of library commissioners and to the board of county commissioners of each affected county. The system board shall include in its preliminary budget an estimate of the kinds of services which the system could provide to those areas without established libraries, and the cost of such services, and shall forward this to the appropriate boards of county commissioners.