33-303. Reclassification of school districts. a. Whenever the board of trustees of an elementary school district shall propose to submit to the qualified electors of the district the question of issuance of bonds for the purpose of acquiring or building any secondary school building, or whenever the board of trustees of an elementary school district shall propose to otherwise establish, or to re-establish, a secondary school, said board of trustees shall first petition the state board of education to reclassify the district. Any such petition shall be in writing and shall contain such information as will enable the state board of education to determine the feasibility of maintaining an accredited secondary school by the petitioning district.
If the state board of education shall determine that the maintenance of an accredited secondary school by the petitioning elementary school district is feasible, it shall reclassify such district but such reclassification shall be for a period of not more than three (3) years, at the end of which period the state board of education shall review its action. If, at the time of review, the district is maintaining an accredited secondary school, its reclassification shall be made permanent, subject only to the provisions of subsection (b) of this section. If, at the time of review, the district is not maintaining an accredited secondary school, the state board of education shall revoke the temporary reclassification and the district shall revert to the classification of an elementary school district.
b. If any school district, other than an elementary school district, shall have maintained no secondary school within its area for a period of five (5) successive years, the state board of education may, at any time thereafter and while such district continues to maintain no secondary school, reclassify such district as an elementary school district.
c. Whenever the state board of education shall reclassify any district, as in this section provided, written notice thereof shall be given to the board of trustees of such district and to the board of county commissioners of any county in which the district may lie.