33-3722. Student education incentive loan forgiveness contract. (1) It is hereby declared that it is in the public interest to encourage and assist individuals who wish to pursue a teaching career or professional nursing career within this state to enroll in an Idaho postsecondary institution and to work in Idaho.
(2) Any Idaho student pursuing a teaching career may sign a loan forgiveness contract and promissory note for payment of all full-time undergraduate matriculation, facility and activity fees at any Idaho institution of higher learning who:
(a) Will maintain full-time student status and shall maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better in the first two (2) semesters and for the remaining semesters; and
(b) Will pursue a program of study which will qualify the student to receive an Idaho teaching certificate upon completion of his studies; and
(c) Will pursue a teaching career within the state of Idaho for a minimum of two (2) years, which time requirement will commence upon obtaining a teaching position.
(3) Any Idaho student pursuing a licensed nursing career may sign a loan forgiveness contract and promissory note for payment of all undergraduate matriculation, facility and activity fees at any Idaho institution of higher learning who:
(a) Will maintain full-time student status and shall maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better in the first two (2) semesters and for the remaining semesters; and
(b) Will pursue a program of study which will qualify the student to write the licensure examination approved by the board of nursing for registered nurse upon completion of his studies; and
(c) Will pursue a licensed professional nursing career within the state of Idaho for a minimum of two (2) years, which time requirement will commence within one (1) year after a professional nursing license is obtained.
(4) Availability of student education incentive loan forgiveness contracts for potential teachers will be limited to sixteen (16) each year, with three (3) to be let by the University of Idaho, three (3) by Boise State University, three (3) by Idaho State University, three (3) by Lewis Clark State College, two (2) by North Idaho College and two (2) by the College of Southern Idaho; for potential registered nurses, contracts will be limited to thirteen (13) each year, with three (3) to be let by Boise State University, three (3) by Idaho State University, three (3) by Lewis Clark State College, two (2) by North Idaho College and two (2) by the College of Southern Idaho.
(a) Preference in selecting potential registered nurses will be given to applicants who indicate willingness to practice in rural Idaho.
(b) The length of each contract and promissory note shall not exceed a maximum of eight (8) years, and the beginning date and expiration date shall be specified in each contract.
(5) The state board of education may reassign unused contracts to other participating institutions. For purposes of reassignment of unused contracts, Eastern Idaho Technical College may be considered as a participating institution and may be awarded student education incentive loan forgiveness contracts for potential registered nurses.
(6) The student loan office of each institution of higher learning is directed to administer the loan forgiveness program provisions of this section, including the supplying of all necessary forms and the verifying, before each registration and at the expiration of the contract, of each person’s compliance with the terms of the contract and collect and account for any necessary repayment of funds. Upon successful completion of the terms of the contract, the promissory note shall be forgiven. The state board of education shall annually determine the interest rate for new promissory notes. Loan repayments shall be allocated to support new student education incentive loan forgiveness contracts.
(7) Any violation of the terms of the contract shall obligate the person to repay all fees which the person as a student was allowed to waive, as determined by the affected institution.
(8) Each affected institution shall in its preparation of future budgets include therein costs resultant from fee loss for reimbursement from appropriations of state funds.