33-408. Election contests -- Grounds of contest. [effective until january 1, 2011] The election of any person to a school board of trustees, or an election concerning any proposition submitted to a vote of the people in a school district election may be contested:
1. For malconduct, fraud, or corruption on the part of the judges of election in any polling place or of any board of canvassers, or any member of either board sufficient to change the result.
2. When the incumbent was not eligible to the office at the time of the election.
3. When the incumbent has been convicted of felony, unless at the time of the election he shall have been restored to civil rights.
4. When the incumbent has given or offered to any elector, or any judge, clerk or canvasser of the election, any bribe or reward in money, property or anything of value for the purpose of procuring his election.
5. When illegal votes have been received or legal votes rejected at the polls sufficient to change the result.
6. For any error in any board of canvassers in counting votes or in declaring the result of the election, if the error would change the result.
7. When the incumbent is in default as a collector and custodian of public money or property.
8. For any cause which shows that another person was legally elected.
9. For any cause which shows that the election was not conducted in conformance with the provisions of this chapter.