33-429. Petition -- Form. [effective until january 1, 2011] Recall petitions shall be printed on single sheets of paper of good writing quality including, but not limited to, newsprint not less than eight and one-half (8 1/2) inches in width and not less than fourteen (14) inches in length. Such petitions shall be substantially in the following form:
Every person who signs this petition with any other than his true name, or who knowingly (1) signs more than one (1) of these petitions, (2) signs this petition when he is not a legal voter, or (3) makes herein any false statement, may be fined, or imprisoned, or both.
Petition for the recall of (here insert the name of the person whose recall is petitioned for) to the (here insert the name and title of the clerk of the school board with whom the charge is filed).
We, the undersigned citizens and legal voters of (the school district’s official name and school trustee zone number), respectfully direct that a special election be called for the following reasons: (setting out the reasons in a recall statement of not more than two hundred (200) words); each of us for himself says: I have personally signed this petition; I am a legal voter of the state of Idaho in (the school district’s official name and school trustee zone number) and county written after my name, and my residence address is correctly stated, and to my knowledge, have signed this petition only once.
Each and every signature sheet of each petition containing signatures shall be verified on the face thereof in substantially the following form by the person who circulated said sheet of the petition, by his or her affidavit thereon, as a part thereof:
State of Idaho )
) ss.
County of )
I, ...................., swear, under penalty of perjury, that every person who signed this sheet of the foregoing petition signed his or her name thereto in my presence. I believe that each has stated his or her name and the accompanying required information on the signature sheet correctly, and that the person was eligible to sign this petition.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... day of ...., .....
(Notary Seal)